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After more than a decade of conservative leadership in the UK, a new and tyrannical liberal government has taken power, and they’re going wild with extreme anti-free speech policies—all in the name of “saving” their precious democracy. The new Prime Minister is cracking down on angry residents who’ve had enough of migrant violence, following the horrific incident where a 17-year-old Rwandan teen slaughtered four British girls during a dance class. Riots erupted as frustrated citizens raged against the government’s “open door” policy that’s tearing apart their traditions and turning their country into a violent hellhole.

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Instead of addressing the real problem—migrant violence sweeping the nation—the new liberal government is exploiting the outrage from concerned citizens to push their dystopian agenda.

And if that’s not bad enough, the latest outrageous move is even more mind-blowing. This time it comes from Yvette Cooper, the so-called “home secretary,” who’s eager to clamp down on free speech. She’s now decided to label “misogyny” as an act of terrorism.

The Guardian:

The home secretary, Yvette Cooper, has vowed to crack down on people “pushing harmful and hateful beliefs”, including extreme misogyny, as she announced a new approach to fighting extremism.

The Home Office has commissioned a rapid review to inform a new government counter-extremism strategy on how best to tackle the threat posed by extremist ideologies online and offline.

The review will assess the ideological spectrum and is intended to address “gaps in the current system” that leave the country exposed to hateful or harmful activity that promotes violence or undermines democracy.

Officials will assess “the rise of Islamist and far-right extremism” alongside “ideological trends” that have gained traction including extreme misogyny. The scheme also aims to assess the causes and conduct of radicalisation of young people online and offline.

Cooper has previously said the last government’s counter-extremism strategy was nine years out of date. She believes the review will lay the foundations for Labour to deliver on its manifesto promise of preventing people from being drawn towards hateful ideologies.

It comes after a decade of warnings from the police and former government advisers about the need to address the rise of hateful extremism and the proliferation of dangerous material online.

Wow. The Muslims better watch what they say. After all, they’re not exactly known for championing feminism, are they? Or will this “terrorism” label be reserved just for native British? Here’s what they have to say about that—do you believe them?

The Guardian goes on:

Responding to concerns that treating misogyny as extremism could criminalise free speech, the Home Office minister Jess Phillips told LBC: “You just use the exact same test you would with far-right extremism and Islamism, wouldn’t you.

“The same test would have to apply.

“People can hold views about women all they like, but it’s not OK any more to ignore the massive growing threat caused by online hatred towards women and for us to ignore it because we’re worried about the line, rather than making sure the line is in the right place as we would do with any other extremist ideology.”

The MP for Birmingham Yardley, who has been open about the misogynistic hate she has received online, said social media companies “are undoubtedly going to have to be part of the solution”.

She said: “With the previous government’s online safety bill, that still hasn’t come into fruition yet but we’re going to have to make sure that is as robust as possible because if my teenage sons watch something on the television, there is a far, far greater place for me to have that regulated and to know that can be trusted than when they’re in their bedrooms and I have no idea what they’re looking at and the level of regulation is considerably lower at the moment.”

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The left calls anything they disagree with “extremism.” How long before not supporting climate change is labeled as “terrorism”? The Guardian piece continues:

In a damning intervention, she told the Guardian: “The writing was clearly on the wall for some time. All my reports have shown, in a nutshell, that firstly these extremist and cohesion threats are worsening; secondly that our country is woefully unprepared. We’ve got a gap in our legislation which is allowing these extremists to operate with impunity.”

Cooper said: “For too long governments have failed to address the rise in extremism, both online and on our streets, and we’ve seen the number of young people radicalised online grow. Hateful incitement of all kinds fractures and frays the very fabric of our communities and our democracy.

“Action against extremism has been badly hollowed out in recent years, just when it should have been needed most. That’s why I have directed the Home Office to conduct a rapid analytical sprint on extremism, to map and monitor extremist trends, to understand the evidence about what works to disrupt and divert people away from extremist views, and to identify any gaps in existing policy which need to be addressed to crack down on those pushing harmful and hateful beliefs and violence.

Once again, the left is desperate to control the masses, and they’re doing it by weaponizing legislation and stripping away people’s rights to free speech, free thought, and open ideas. And isn’t that the goal? To create an obedient society that’s too afraid to speak out, only repeating the “approved” government lines. All of this will be forced upon the public under the guise of “saving democracy.” This is exactly what the Democrats are trying to do here in the US, and while they haven’t gone this far yet, they will—unless they’re stopped dead in their tracks.