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President Trump is assembling a powerful unity coalition that includes America First loyalists, hardworking Americans, and old-school Democrats.

Yes, Democrats.

Not long after RFK Jr. endorsed President Trump, another high-profile, popular Democrat followed suit. The next to jump on the Trump train is Tulsi Gabbard, a highly respected veteran and former lawmaker who’s always prided herself on fighting for the little guy and standing against war. With the Dems now the party of elites and violence, it was only a matter of time before Tulsi jumped ship and fled the dark side.

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Since then, she’s been making the rounds on cable TV, praising President Trump and absolutely annihilating Kamala Harris—something Tulsi is very, very good at.

This time, Tulsi is putting Harris on blast for being a phony product of the political machine and a total sham candidate. As we at Revolver have been saying for ages, Biden/Harris—and now Harris/Walz—are nothing more than a poorly orchestrated smoke-and-mirrors political sideshow with no winning policies and zero connection to middle-class Americans.

Tulsi knows it, and it’s her new mantra.

Tulsi Gabbard:

Kamala Harris and the propaganda media are trying to portray her as the “freedom” warrior. It’s a complete sham — the Harris-Biden administration spent the last 3.5 years strong-arming social media companies to censor free speech. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for 4 more years of tyranny and abuse of power.

We’re happy to report that Tulsi is still mopping up the floor with Kackling Kamala.

After all, who can forget the moment when Harris’ entire 2020 campaign came crashing down? It happened when Tulsi Gabbard utterly destroyed her during the Democratic debate, exposing Harris as the phony sham she is. Harris never recovered from that verbal beatdown.

Tulsi has also been talking a lot about the upcoming debate between President Trump and VP Harris—something Trump is likely licking his chops over. After all, his last debate was such a TKO that it knocked Joe right out of the race. And guess who will be coaching him against Harris? That’s right, Tulsi.

You can tell by what Tulsi is discussing how President Trump will attack Harris. He’ll target her weakest spot: her nonexistent and failed policies.

It’s great to see Tulsi is everywhere, weighing in on all the hot issues. She’s a fantastic surrogate for President Trump and will likely play a crucial role in his administration. Look out, Harris; your worst nightmare is coming back to haunt you.