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President Trump is gearing up for his third presidential election win, and his very presence on the ballot is driving DC’s most powerful swamp creatures to lose their minds. Back in 2016, President Trump slipped past the deep state and secured a win they never saw coming. They never imagined an outsider like him could get in. They likely believed their psyops and propaganda were still working on the American people, and despite the excitement for Turmp, Hillary Clinton was a shoo-in. But it didn’t go as planned. Trump won and turned the US shadow government inside out.

That’s why, in 2020, we experienced a conveniently timed “pandemic” during the election, which allowed an unprecedented flood of unregulated mail-in ballots. It was a complete free-for-all that ended with a so-called “historic” victory for Joe Biden. He was supposedly so popular that he beat both Obama’s and Trump’s records for votes.

Do you honestly believe that? By now, if you do, you’re probably a loyal CNN viewer, and there’s no hope for you.

And that’s why Americans are now walking on eggshells, wondering what the deep state has up its sleeve for 2024. After all, against all odds, President Trump survived an assassination attempt, so what’s next? If you listen to Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones, worldwide chaos is next on the list.

What Tucker and Alex discussed in that bombshell interview makes perfect sense. In fact, we recently published an article highlighting a new documentary that proves, once and for all, that President Trump is the most persecuted public figure in US history.


President Trump has been relentlessly persecuted by the deep state, yet he remains beloved by the people—a true “people’s president.” No matter how hard the deep state and uniparty work to dismantle his movement, he only grows stronger. From attempts to destroy his financial empire to sham criminal charges, elaborate Russia hoaxes, phony impeachments, and even an assassination attempt that missed by a hair—this man has been dragged through the mud and still stands tall.

There’s no one else on earth who could endure the hate, vitriol, and downright sinister attacks like Donald J. Trump can. So, why are the unelected bureaucrats in this country so desperate to take down a man so beloved by the people? The answer is clear: our government has grown too big, too powerful, and too corrupt. If you’re not part of the “club,” you’re not allowed to play the game.

President Trump is a true outsider, and the more they fight him, the more apparent that becomes. Even the casual observer is starting to ask, “What the hell is going on here?”

You can click below to watch this amazing new documentary:

New powerful documentary proves President Trump is the most persecuted public figure in US history…

These people are desperate to stop President Trump. If he gets back into the White House, their entire existence is in jeopardy. Tucker is right. This is the fight of their lives; be prepared for the worst possible scenario.

Trump channels Uncle Sam with tweet saying Democrats are 'after YOU' and he is 'just in the way' | Daily Mail Online

Interestingly enough, as mentioned in Alex Jones’ tweet above, Jones and Tucker Carlson will appear live in Reading, PA on September 23rd. Tickets can be found here.