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The disastrous DNC Convention is over. Kamala Harris, the woman who didn’t earn a single primary vote, has accepted the elites’ nomination and is now the official candidate for the 2024 election. Joe Biden has been tossed aside like yesterday’s garbage, and now the most unpopular, unsuccessful VP in U.S. history is carrying the Democrats’ torch. While many of us dismiss Kamala as an unserious clown—which she is—there’s a darker, more sinister side to her, and that makes her a frightening prospect.

Tucker Carlson, always honest and to the point, dissected Kamala’s words and delivered his conclusion: She’s a very scary woman who can win.

Tucker is absolutely right. Yes, Kamala is scary. And yes, she can win, despite being the most unpopular VP to ever darken the Swamp’s doorstep. She has no winning record, failed policies, and a reputation as a DEI diva who used her womanly ways to climb the ladder. So why is she still a threat? Because there’s a deep and passionate anti-Trump movement. These people are so unhinged, they’d vote for a serial killer over Trump. Their bizarre, misplaced hatred for him drives them to the polls. Plus, there are plenty who vote in lockstep with the Democrats, just like many do for the Republicans. They don’t ask questions; they just toe the party line. But beyond all that, there’s the Democrats’ penchant for cheating, as we saw in 2020. The stakes are even higher now, and you can bet they’ll pull out all the stops. After all, the assassination attempt against Trump didn’t work, so now they’re onto plan B, which could involve anything from nuclear holocaust to 82 million mail-in ballots—and everything in between.

Revolver recently published a riveting piece outlining how President Trump can navigate the final 75 days of this race and emerge victorious. They listed several key strategies he could use to secure a win.


After nearly four years, it all comes down to this.

If the 2024 presidential race were a marathon, starting on November 5th, 2020, then it is now just about to enter the last of its 26.2 miles. Donald Trump has already overcome more than any candidate in history to get to this point: He’s overcome systematic deplatforming, a primary challenge from Ron DeSantis, the politically-motivated destruction of the Trump Organization, a sham defamation case, a raid on Mar-a-Lago, four criminal indictments, a felony conviction, and, on top of all that, an assassin’s bullet. After all that, Trump faces only one final challenge: disposing of Kamala Harris and her pet “white dude” from Minnesota.

Many American patriots have let themselves become nervous, depressed, or worked up about this final challenge. They have let themselves be weakened by reports of “Kamalamentum.” Having to look up “brat” on Urban Dictionary has left them feeling behind the curve. With the Democratic convention unfolding this week, odds are that pro-Kamala propaganda and her polling position will reach their absolute peak.

First off, let’s not lose our heads: Every party gets a convention bump. Voting is still a month away, and Election Day is more than two months out.

Here are our takes on what Trump should do to dominate the final mile of the 2024 marathon and win back the White House.

Maximize the Long Interviews

Donald Trump is a man of limitless conversational power. The man can talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and somehow never get boring.

While Trump’s rallies are iconic and his clashes with the press have created countless iconic moments, Trump’s ability to shine in one-on-one conversations is perhaps the least noted and least exploited of his assets. And in this cycle, there are far more opportunities for such extended conversations to be had. One of the biggest differences between 2024 and Trump’s prior two campaigns is that a far wider range of public figures are happy to engage with Trump as an acceptable, normal part of American political life, rather than a monstrous evil who can only be either confronted, silenced, or ignored. That means more celebrities and influencers are ready to give Trump friendly (or at least non-hostile) interviews, where he can make a friendly overture to voters outside the usual GOP orbit.

The good news is, we know President Trump reads Revolver, so hopefully he’ll get some inspiration. You can read the rest of our suggestions to President Trump by clicking here:

The 75-Day Sprint: The Tactics That Will Win Donald Trump the Election

The bottom line is that we can’t get complacent, we can’t take our foot off the gas, and we can’t underestimate our enemy just because she’s a dullard with no talent or expertise. Sadly, in this day and age, someone like that can still be installed in the White House—case in point: Joe Biden.