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Well, the least-anticipated announcement of the year has finally dropped. Team Harris announced their VP pick, and it was as uneventful and drab as you’d imagine. Harris, a radical DEI progressive who wasn’t nominated by the people, picked an equally radical left-wing lunatic as her running mate: Tim Walz, the progressive Minnesota governor who championed the “Summer of Love” riots, stocked boys’ bathrooms with tampons, encouraged illegals to scale Trump’s border wall with ladders, and even fought for “civil rights” inclusion for pedophiles, is now her chosen sidekick. A match made in political hell? You bet.

And we can’t forget just a few months ago, when anti-America Tim replaced the Minnesota state flag with one that closely resembles Somalia’s.

However, extremism aside, Tim’s chubby new communist face is decked out with an “old folksy” persona—just bland enough so he won’t steal the spotlight from Kamala and that infamous cackle of hers. Tim thinks conservatives are “weird.” Yet this is the guy who wants to “normalize” boys using tampons.

If this is normal, thank God we’re the “weird” ones. And you can bet the regime-run media will be working overtime to package this “folksy face” to America as a moderate, old-fashioned Democrat, which couldn’t be farther from the truth.

As a matter of fact, Tim’s recent past is coming back to haunt him, even as we speak. Tim’s latest progressive horror to make internet waves is Tim’s empassioned effort to give pedophiles “civil rights” inclusion.

Dark Hegel:

Tim Walz Signed a Bill Redefining the Term “Sexual Orientation” to INCLUDE PEDOPHILES.

🧵A Thread 🧵


On 02/13/2023, Leigh Finke, a trans identified male, Introduced H. F. No. 1655, which redefined “Sexual Orientation.”

Link to the amendment:

In this amendment, Finke CROSSED OUT the section that expressly precluded pedophiles from falling under the definition of “Sexual orientation.”

In the old bill, the definition “Sexual orientation” delineated which people were were protected under the Minnesota Human Rights Statute, making it a violation to discriminate against those falling under that definition. This old definition EXPLICITLY EXCLUDED pedophiles through the addition of this phrase to the definition: “Sexual orientation” does not include a physical 1.20 or sexual attachment to children by an adult.

The bill then passed the committee was adopted.
Link to Minutes:
Link to the video stream of the hearing:

The amendment to 2022 c 52 art 19 s 44, (yes, this includes the section crossing out the pedophile exclusion), is characterized by Finke in the committee hearing as “modernizing” the terminology to reflect more contemporary understandings of sexual orientation and gender.

They think including pedophiles under the umbrella of “Sexual orientation” reflects a “modern understanding of sexuality and gender.”

This latest disturbing revelation about Tim’s penchant to protect child sex abusers is yet another knife in the back of our nation’s kids, family values, and decency. And if you think it’s bad now, just imagine how awful things would get with Kamala and Tim in the White House—two extremist kooks who could be the final nail in America’s coffin.