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Tim Walz has taken his abortion stance to an extreme and radical level. He is literally a baby killer. His policies are so extreme that he should be facing murder charges. Tim is totally controlled by the crazy Minnesota “Feminanzi” crowd that keeps a tight leash on the suffering men of Minnesota, starting with his wife and daughter, so he signed an executive order as governor permitting abortions up until birth in the state.


To call this abomination anything but murder is to completely ignore the deeply demonic nature of Tim’s policy.

Tim Walz has no regard for human life. His law allows for abortions at nine months, with the State footing the bill. It’s so disturbing and disgusting, it’s hard to even discuss. We treat our dogs better than this. Even convicted murderers and rapists get better treatment than the innocent babies in Tim Walz’s state of Minnesota. Tim Walz, who’s already pushing a radical trans agenda on kids, is actually proud of his extreme abortion views, which are legalizing first degree murder. So when Nancy Pelosi told him to tone it down, he flipped out on stage, showing a kind of demonic bloodlust we’ve never seen before.

President Trump nailed it. Harris/Walz is the most pro-abortion ticket in US election history. True to form, these two ghouls are pushing abortion to the absolute extreme in order to win over the bitter, angry “cat ladies” of the Dem party. These are the types who despise men and babies, caring only about boxed wine and cats. This ticket is custom-made for the radical extremists on the left, but they have nothing in common with average, decent Americans.

SBA Pro-Life America:

No parental involvement.
No informed consent.
Abortion all nine months – with no medical care for abortion survivors.

This is Tim Walz’s Minnesota.

President Trump is right — there’s never been anything like this. Harris-Walz is the most pro-abortion presidential ticket ever.

If this radical duo gets anywhere near the White House, it’s game over for the country. Speaking of which, we recently published a fascinating piece on how to actually defeat Kamala Harris, who is turning her “vapidness” into a strength this election cycle.


It’s quite possible that no presidential challenger in living memory had a better month than Donald Trump had from June 27 to the end of the Republican National Convention. First, Donald Trump showed up at CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta for a presidential debate, only to find himself beating up on a sad old man with a vacant stare on his face. Then, he was treated to weeks of Democrat infighting as they struggled to push out their supposed party leader and fought amongst themselves over who would replace him.

Oh, and he survived an assassination attempt, saved by a timely tilt of the head and (just maybe) the hand of God. Trump’s nigh-miraculous survival wasn’t just good fortune, and it didn’t just give him sympathy and support. It actually gave direct proof of what a great man he is. Placed in dire physical danger, Trump rose to the challenge, refusing to panic and refusing to cower behind his bodyguards. Put to a test that almost no American leaders ever are—the test of being in immediate physical danger—Trump showed true heroism and true leadership.

The Trump-Biden race was headed for a landslide outcome. Forget 270 electoral votes, or even 300. With Old Joe’s mumbling husk still in the race, winning 350 electoral votes was a very real possibility come November.

It’s tough to say goodbye to that possible future because it was a beautiful one.

But hey, no great victory was ever easy.

A few days after the Republican convention came to an end, Democrats finally did what they’d seemed incapable of all year: they took a difficult, decisive step and did so quickly. Within 24 hours of Joe Biden announcing he would not stand for reelection, the party had unanimously pivoted behind Kamala Harris as its new champion.

For many American nationalists, the quick pivot to Kamala was a welcome surprise. A common fear was that Democrats would swap in an entirely new figure like Michelle Obama, letting them cut bait on the unpopular Biden administration and install someone with far better poll numbers. To many, the party’s decision to stick with the least popular VP on record is a stroke of good fortune.

But we must reluctantly pour some cold water on that notion.

Kamala Harris’s arrival has transformed the 2024 election into a toss-up. Forget all talk of a landslide. Kamala has a very real chance of winning the November election by running the most shapeless, messageless, and incomprehensible campaign in American history.

Sound ridiculous? It’s not. As of this writing, in fact, Kamala has pulled slightly ahead of Trump in PredictIt’s election betting market.

You can read this entire, in-depth piece by clicking here:

Kamala Harris’ Substance-Free Campaign Is an Unprecedented Challenge. Here’s the Key to Beating It.

This is how the left plans to fire up their base—by running two insanely radical lunatics. Yet, the media will bend over backwards to paint Tim Walz as a folksy granddad. Don’t be fooled. He’s no cuddly Santa Claus granddad, but more of a seething Grinch. Both Tim Walz and Kamala are wolves in sheep’s clothing. If they get anywhere near the White House, they’ll unleash a hellstorm that will absolutely bring this country to its knees.