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Every new day seems to bring yet another Tampon Tim scandal. From targeting young kids with his perverted and twisted radical trans agenda to promoting riots, trying to defund ICE, and decades of stealing valor, you have to wonder if anyone on Team Kamala bothered to vet this nut job. Now, on top of everything else, Tim Walz faces a new and tough problem to dodge. The guy the propaganda media are trying to paint as a “normal, everyday American” now has a hilarious Hitler problem, thanks to yet another damning, unearthed video.

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In a bombshell exclusive, the Washington Examiner has unearthed a video where Tim Walz praises a Hitler-loving imam as a “master teacher” who mentored him during their time together.


This is yet another comical blow to the most radial, progressive dup to ever run for office.

Washington Examiner:

EXCLUSIVE — As he campaigned to be Minnesota’s next governor, Tim Walz called a Muslim cleric who promoted a pro-Adolf Hitler film a “master teacher” who offered Walz lessons over the time they “spent together,” according to footage at a 2018 event unearthed by the Washington Examiner.

News of the footage comes after a spokesperson for Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign said in a Friday statement that Walz does not “have a personal relationship” with Asad Zaman of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota. That claim was in response to a Washington Examiner report on how Walz, the 2024 Democratic vice presidential nominee, repeatedly hosted the imam at events as the governor of Minnesota. At several of those events, Zaman also spoke before Walz.

“I would like to first of all say thank you to imam,” Walz said at the unearthed 2018 event, which was hosted by Minnesota’s Muslim American Society on Feb. 16, 2018, at the South Metro Islamic Center in Rosemount, Minnesota. Standing next to Walz as he spoke was Peggy Flanagan, now the lieutenant governor in the Gopher State.

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Comments and praise like this for a Hitler-loving imam will be tough to combat, especially with the controversy brewing between Israel and Palestine that has rocked and split the Dem party. The Washington Examiner piece continues:

“I am a teacher, so when I see a master teacher, I know it. Over the time we’ve spent together, one of the things I’ve had the privilege of is seeing the things in life through the eye of a master teacher, to try and get the understanding,” Walz said of Zaman at the event, before discussing a prior attack at the Dar al Farooq Islamic Center in Minnesota. “It was imam talking [saying that] ‘in those times is where we find who we are, in those times is where we really see.’

“That brings me to the second lesson that imam taught me,” Walz said, describing how Congress “feeds on fear more than hope” and “division.”

“It was a lesson when imam told me to go speak to people,” Walz also said at the event. “I have pushed back through my whole career on the demonization of Islam, on the demonization of immigrants. … In this space, Imam Zaman is right on this, there is Islamophobia, there is a hatred that is being stirred.”

Zaman, who is the director of Minnesota’s Muslim American Society, asserted on Oct. 7, 2023, that he “stands in solidarity with Palestinians against Israeli attacks” after 1,200 Israelis were killed by Hamas terrorists. His organization, which has a related chapter that once came under fire following children at a 2019 event it hosted calling for murdering Jews, said on Oct. 7 that it “reaffirms its unwavering support for the Palestinian people in their struggle against the Israeli occupation.”

Zaman’s social media history includes sharing a link to an article on a website in 2015 for a pro-Hitler film called The Greatest Story Never Told and, in one 2016 example, an official press release issued by Hamas. The press release mourned the death of an Islamist leader in South Asia who was executed after being convicted of war crimes.

In a Friday statement, the Anti-Defamation League said Zaman “has a troubling history of playing into classic anti-Jewish themes and justifying violence against Israel.”

We encourage you to read the entire exclusive. You can do so by clicking here.

To make matters worse, Walz is now under fire with Jewish groups who are complaining that he downplayed the Holocaust as a “scholar” of genocide.

Jewish Telegraphic Agency:

“Schools are teaching about the Jewish Holocaust, but the way it is traditionally being taught is not leading to increased knowledge of the causes of genocide in all parts of the world,” Walz wrote in his thesis, submitted in 2001.

The thesis was the culmination of Walz’s master’s degree focused on Holocaust and genocide education at Minnesota State University, Mankato, which he earned while teaching at Mankato West. His 27-page thesis, which JTA obtained, is titled “Improving Human Rights and Genocide Studies in the American High School Classroom.”

In it, Walz argues that the lessons of the “Jewish Holocaust” should be taught “in the greater context of human rights abuses,” rather than as a unique historical anomaly or as part of a larger unit on World War II. “To exclude other acts of genocide severely limited students’ ability to synthesize the lessons of the Holocaust and the ability to apply them elsewhere,” he wrote.

He then took a position that he noted was “controversial” among Holocaust scholars: that the Holocaust should not be taught as unique, but used to help students identify “clear patterns” with other historical genocides like the Armenian and Rwandan genocides.

It may not seem like a big deal, but to some, it’s beyond the pale.

Jeff Ballabon:

Deep dive into why Walz’ position is so evil at link below.

Walz is in some ways worse than an outright Holocaust denier. He is an advocate of transitioning American education to move more aggressively towards Holocaust trivialization which inevitably leads to Holocaust inversion – where the victims are attacked: Israel/Jews are called Nazis, blood libels about death camps, organ harvesting , cruel medical experimentation, and, of course genocide are all used. Indeed, unlike the deniers, Walz’ ilk ends up praising Hitler more often than not and/or justifying his Final Solution on the grounds of their own Jewish conspiracy theories; his favored constituencies certainly do this loudly and proudly.

That is what Walz is advocating.

More here:

It looks like Tampon Tim has two more weird scandals to absorb in addition to the more deadly serious charge of stolen valor. That old Tampax slogan, “No Leaks, No Worries,” couldn’t be further from the truth for Mr. Walz, who is up to his eyeballs in controversy.