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The Dems 2024 ticket is not only the most extreme progressive radical duo in the history of US elections; it’s also the most hardcore pro-crime ticket to ever hit the campaign trail. Don’t believe us? Well, we’ve got proof. Take a look at how crime has spiked under Tampon Tim. It seems like he’s more focused on lying about his phony “military career” and putting tampons in boys’ bathrooms than on keeping his citizens safe.

Walz was elected in 2018 and again in 2022. Take a look at this graph provided by the American Experiment. You can see that as soon as Tampon Tim took over, crime began to soar.

However, it’s not just the big cities feeling the Tim Walz Crime Wave.

Part of the reason crime is so out-of-control in Tim Walz’s depressing state is because of his soft-on-crime agenda. The same “Defund the Police” mindset that Kamala Harris has.

The numbers don’t lie. Tampon Tim’s anti-cop agenda, along with his wife’s disturbing enjoyment of “burning tires” during the George Floyd riots, is clearly to blame.

We encourage you to check out the entire research paper from the American Experiment. You can find it by clicking here.

And if you want to further see how badly Tim Walz has failed Minnesota, just look at the students struggling to learn under his careless watch.


No wonder so many in Minnesota are turning to a life of crime. Most of their students are clueless dummies who can barely read. Thanks, Tim.

But if you think Kamala is any better, you clearly haven’t been paying attention. Kamala shifted from locking everyone up for smoking weed to becoming one of the most soft-on-crime ninnies we’ve ever seen. She supported a bail fund that put violent rioters, murderers, and sex offenders back on the streets, and she was all in for the deadly Defund the Police movement.


Could this be the final nail in Kamala’s 2024 coffin? Newly uncovered footage of Kamala Harris has surfaced, and it’s as damning as it gets. She’s caught on camera supporting the highly unpopular “Defund the Police” movement, which the left tried to launch unsuccessfully after the deadly and destructive George Floyd riots. It was so unpopular with Americans that, much like the “border czar” disaster, they tried to pretend it never happened—but it did, and we’ve got the video to prove it.

Here’s Kamala pushing for Defund the Police:

If radical Democrat and “cultural terrorist” Tim Walz, along with DEI Diva Kamala Harris, get anywhere near the White House, you can bet they’ll destroy America just like they’ve wrecked their respective states.