Dear Patriot,

As we approach the most electrifying and bizarre election cycle ever, it’s hard to believe it’s been four years since Revolver first burst onto the scene. Four years of groundbreaking stories, fearless truth-telling, and unwavering support for the MAGA movement and President Trump’s relentless comeback. We’ve never shied away from the stories that matter, no matter how deep we had to dig or how dirty our hands got in the process—think of Revolver as the snowplow clearing away the piles of fake news and regime propaganda. And we’re not letting up, especially not now. As the election approaches, investigative journalism is needed more than ever into Trump’s assassination attempt; Kamala Harris, the Secret Service, and those weird J6 pipe bombs; efforts by the Democrats, NGOs, and intelligence agencies in ginning up a “Color Revolution” against Trump this November; election fraud surrounding drop boxes and mass mail-in balloting; the role of federal informants and the intelligence community on January 6th; and, more broadly, the role of federal informants and the intelligence community in spying on, infiltrating, and subverting the MAGA movement under the guise of fighting “domestic terrorism.”

But here’s the reality: Our success is both a badge of honor and a target on our backs. As we’ve grown, so has the backlash from regime critics and the daily grind of operations. The sinister narratives we’ve exposed—whether it’s the COVID lockdown and vaccine scams, how DEI and affirmative action are hollowing out American civilization, the 2020 Color Revolution against Donald Trump, the truth about J6, or the chilling collusion between Big Tech and the intelligence community—have dramatically reshaped the entire media landscape. Thanks to Revolver, the concept of the “Fedsurrection” has become an intricate part of the conversation. Big names in conservative media, from popular podcasts to big guns like Fox News, are now following the trails that Revolver has blazed.

Yet, with every story like the recent assassination attempt and the ongoing drama around the Biden regime and the Secret Service, it’s clear: the battle isn’t over. The stakes are higher than ever, and the stories keep coming at us fast and furious. We’re committed to relentlessly pursuing the truth and digging deeper, but we need your help to keep going. Join us as a critical support member, be part of the “Seal Team 6” of media, and help us continue our mission.

Why Your Support Matters Now More Than Ever

Revolver is on the front lines, battling the big stories and uncovering the Deep State’s dangerous schemes against important figures like President Trump. These investigations aren’t just important; they’re crucial for protecting the values and freedoms that define America. Your subscriptions and donations make this essential work possible. Think of your support as pouring investment into building a massive war chest to fund those who are not afraid to tell the truth and venture where others shy away. Revolver is ready to dive even deeper, and we need you to join us on this journey. Enlist in our Truth Commando Squad and be a part of Revolver’s elite investigative army.

From our in-depth series on the Color Revolution to our hard-hitting analysis of COVID lockdowns, Big Tech censorship, and our groundbreaking work on J6 that literally changed the entire game, our track record speaks volumes. We’ve not only covered the news; we’ve made the news, setting the agenda and forcing the mainstream media to follow our lead. And as God only knows, there are far more sinister schemes and narratives to expose. We stand ready to plow through the muck and get to the truth with your assistance.

Our work has gained us accolades from the very best of our country, including President Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson. In fact, our interview with President Trump became the most-watched video in Rumble history.

The Time to Act Is Now

The clock is ticking, and the news cycle waits for no one. As we gear up for what’s sure to be a wild election year, your support is more crucial than ever. It’s not just about keeping the lights on—it’s about shining a brighter light into the shadows where others are afraid to look.

Think of every dollar you give as ammo for the defenders of liberty. We’re on the front lines, and we’re asking you to join us to make sure that our fourth anniversary is just the start of even bigger things to come.

Join Us—For Truth, For Justice, For America

Don’t just watch history unfold—be a part of shaping it. Subscribe, donate, share our stuff, send us tips, and let’s continue to change the game together. In a world full of deception, your support is the beacon of truth we rely on. Stand with Revolver, and let’s make this election year not just a fight but a victory for all who believe in the soul of America!