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Let’s be honest: RFK Jr. may just be another opportunistic politician, but he does happen to get a few things right, like his smart, common-sense stance on COVID and the vaccine, among other issues. Recently, we covered a story where RFK Jr. reportedly approached Team Kamala, looking to trade an endorsement for a high-ranking cabinet position, and we didn’t hold back.

Word has it, Team Kamala told him to “put an egg in his shoe and beat it.”


If Kamala was part of duping the American people, why would RFK Jr.—the guy who claims he wants to “shake things up”—want to work with her? We all know why. It just goes to show that everything these career politicians say is fake and opportunistic.

This move comes after RFK Jr. also tried to weasel his way into a cabinet position with President Trump. The New York Times piece continues:

The Post reported last month that Mr. Kennedy had held talks with Mr. Trump about a possible cabinet job, proposing a role in public health leadership, in exchange for his support. And in a leaked video of a phone call between the two men, Mr. Trump tried to cajole Mr. Kennedy to exit the race and endorse him.

Politicians like this, whose “endorsement” is for sale, are not sincere. They don’t care about what’s good for the American people—only about how they can milk a situation to better themselves. For those who didn’t see it before, RFK Jr. is just another “finger in the air” career politician who happened to have a good stance on COVID and the vaccine. The truth is, he’s likely not interested in changing the game—he’s only looking for better ways to play it for himself.

RFK is turning to the Trump campaign with the same offer, and according to a report from Alex Jones, Team Trump wisely took him up on it.

RFK Jr. recently posted this jab at Team Walz/Kamala on X:

The Democratic Party positions itself as the party of liberty.

Kamala Harris says that Americans should make personal decisions without the “government telling them what to do.” Tim Walz’s Golden Rule is “Mind your own damn business.”

In view of the censorship, surveillance, vaccine mandates, and the confederacy of fixers openly working to prevent me from getting on ballots, this is like the arsonist telling us he’s a firefighter.

I am running to make America once again the Land of LIberty.

Many believe this matchup would be a brilliant political move, making it nearly impossible for the Dems to cheat their way to victory again, thanks to the incredible momentum it would generate for President Trump.


BREAKING: Sources inside RFK Jr’s inner circle have told Alex Jones that RFK Jr will DROP OUT and ENDORSE TRUMP this Friday in Los Angeles


“I was able to confirm about an hour ago that RFK junior is going to be endorsing President ago that RFK junior is going to be endorsing President” -@RealAlexJones

“I also had sources very close to his campaign high up that had told me that he had been gunning up that had told me that he had been gunning the NIH or even the attorney general slot.”

If RFK does come out and partner with Trump, it’s going to become ridiculously impossible to steal the election. This would give Trump a momentum BOOST the likes of which we haven’t seen before. Not even Elon Musk’s rockets have boosts like this

There’s less than a snowball’s chance in hell that President Trump would make RFK Jr. Attorney General, but a high-ranking position at the National Institutes of Health seems right on brand for RFK Jr. and would align with the beliefs of most of Trump’s base.

And now, as word heats up that RFK Jr. will be part of Team Trump, he released this scathing clip.


BREAKING: Just as speculation is growing that RFK Jr may drop out and endorse Trump against Kamala, he just released a video revealing that Democrats and their corrupt judges have weaponized the judicial system to take him off the ballot in all swing states

A judge REFUSED to let him nor his team testify in the lawsuit Democrats brought to remove him from the Pennsylvania ballot. His flight was canceled due to bad weather, but the judge did NOT care one bit

It’s not just Pennsylvania. The party of Democracy is coming after him everywhere because they’re panicking about RFK taking votes from them

Here’s my advice to RFK, DROP OUT and partner with Trump. We could use a voice like yours in his administration. We need you to bring justice against the system that murdered JFK and your father

If this is true, it’s a game-changer. Insiders believe it could upend the race, giving President Trump an immediate two- to three-point bump in all swing states, with even more growth down the road. Now, imagine RFK Jr. hitting the campaign trail for Trump—that would be huge. However, there’s one caveat: his wife is a well-known liberal actress who played Larry David’s wife on “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” It’s hard to see her getting on board with a Trump endorsement. Her Hollywood career would likely be over.

If this does come to fruition, RFK Jr. better up his security detail because Dems will be gunning for him—pun definitely intended.