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Anyone paying attention can see that President Trump is under relentless attack from all sides. He’s being betrayed by RINOs in his own party, targeted by the regime, uniparty operatives, the media, and, of course, the Deep State—a group of unelected, shadowy bureaucrats from the military-industrial complex and intelligence communities who pull the strings behind the scenes in our government and work overtime to setup, target, and sabotage President Trump. By now, we’re familiar with many of their tactics—just look at the web of lies surrounding January 6th, right? The investigative team at Revolver, who exposed much of the federal deception, coined the term “Fedsurrection” instead of “insurrection.” Why? Because so many FBI agents and undercover operatives were on the ground that day, likely orchestrating the scene to frame President Trump and his supporters as insurrectionists.

Read Revolver’s library of J6 investigative reports here:

The Essential Revolver News January 6 Reading List

While we’re all too familiar with the J6 shenanigans, the impeachment circus, and the Russia hoax, there’s something many of us might not have realized—the Deep State has also weaponized intelligence briefings to sabotage President Trump. This is a new layer of deception that many are just now starting to uncover, thanks to Trump’s latest statement on why he’s refusing intelligence briefings. He goes into detail, explaining how the Deep State is using those briefings to set him up.

However, heads up, it actually goes even deeper than that.

Most of us have never really considered this, but it makes sense that Deep State operatives would pull out all the stops to sabotage President Trump. It’s alarming to think that a force this massive and powerful within our own government would go to such lengths to undermine a duly elected president. And yet, it gets even worse… It’s something most of us have never really considered, but it makes sense that Deep State operatives would use anything in their power to sabotage President Trump. It’s frightening to think that such a massive and powerful force within our own government would work so hard to undermine a duly elected US president. But like we mentioned, it actually gets worse…

Further expanding on Trump’s point about intelligence briefings and Deep State is a little something called the “Obama effect.” The video shared by Steve Cortes sparked some interesting conversations and may have even opened a few eyes. Two rather interesting comments came from author Hans Mahncke and intelligence official Ezra Cohen.

Here’s what Hans had to say:

Obama orchestrated something even worse. The day after Obama met Comey on Jan 5, 2017, Comey went to Trump Tower to “brief” Trump on the Steele dossier. Comey then leaked that Trump had been briefed to CNN. CNN then used the Trump briefing to legitimize the fraudulent dossier.

And Ezra then elaborated on it by sharing this:

It’s much worse than this. Comey was attempting to blackmail Trump in order to gain some control over the presidency. “We have a dossier on you.” He did the same to Clinton. The unauthorized press conference was meant to gain leverage on her because he assumed she would win.

Think of it this way: Obama, the guy pulling the strings behind the scenes, is using his weaponized intel agencies to blackmail presidents, giving him something to hold over their heads and allowing him to maintain complete and total power.

If this is true, Barry is the most evil, demented man on the planet. What’s even scarier is that this “blackmail” story has been circulating since 2019, and rumors suggest Obama was fully in the loop.

With all this information resurfacing and new layers being uncovered, it’s clear President Trump made the right call in refusing those intel briefings. The big question now is, how will he clean up the intelligence community when he retakes the White House so he can receive briefings without worrying about fake hoaxes and blackmail? The first step should be firing Christopher Wray and the first few hundred or so people in his orbit.