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Oprah Winfrey was supposed to be the “big name” DNC speaker who would change everything. She stood on that stage, much like Michelle Obama, pretending to be a downtrodden black woman who doesn’t have two nickels to rub together. Oprah endorsed Kamala Harris and tried to deliver a fiery speech to inject some much-needed “life” into the DNC freak show. It didn’t work. In fact, President Trump had some fun at Oprah’s expense and ended up having the last laugh.

Before President Trump made his classic move, one of the most powerful women on the planet, worth 2 billion bucks, stood on the DNC stage trying to convince you that America is a terrible place where she couldn’t catch a break—all because of “racism” and “misogyny.”

Gee, maybe Oprah and billionaire LeBron James can go cry in a corner together?

Since we’re on the topic of sexism, let’s not forget Oprah’s rather questionable friendship with Hollywood’s biggest scumbag and womanizer, Harvey Weinstein. It’s a shame she didn’t bring up that twisted relationship—filled with sexism, rape, and abuse—when she was at the podium. It seems like after Bill Clinton spoke, that would have been an appropriate topic.

Oprah was billed as the woman who came in to save the DNC and America. Really? Is this the kind of woman you want to “save you?” Some believe she’s more like a predator than a “savior.”

But it was President Trump who delivered the final blow. Right after Oprah endorsed Kamala, President Trump pounced. He released a letter Oprah wrote him back in the day, in which she wished she was his presidential running mate.

George Behizy:

As Oprah endorsed Kamala Harris on stage at the DNC, Trump posted a picture of a letter she sent him wishing she was his presidential running mate

“Donald – I received the book excerpt. I have to tell you, your comments made me a little weepy. It’s one thing to try and live a life of integrity – Still another to have people like yourself notice…
Too bad we’re not running for office; WHAT A TEAM!

I deserve a fat pat on the back for having to translate this cursive. Why do people write like this?

Here’s a closeup of the images that George shared:



What a shock. Are we really supposed to believe that Oprah Winfrey is just another opportunistic, phony elite who goes whichever way the wind blows?

No matter what anyone says, back in the day, before she became a pompous phony elite, Oprah gave Trump the best endorsement ever.

But don’t worry too much about Oprah’s influence in politics. She’s lost her touch. After all, who can forget how hard she and Barry Obama campaigned for Stacey Abrams—going door-to-door in Georgia, trying to drum up votes? And she still lost the election.

Oprah doesn’t have the same magic mojo she once did. Much like her yo-yo dieting, she’s lost the weight of her influence and can’t seem to gain it back.