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Barry Obama took to X, where he published a pro-Kamala post that grabbed a lot of attention, but mostly for all the wrong reasons. Obama, who absolutely loves “identity politics,” sent out a dog whistle for his latest underwhelming DEI candidate. He posted a “how it started/how it’s going” tweet, featuring a photo of himself from 10 years ago alongside a photo of Kamala, not-so-subtly suggesting that it’s still “fashionable” to elect someone based on race. Yawn. Once again, the Democrats are focused on gender and skin color, not substance, qualifications, or policy. This is the cornerstone of their failed DEI agenda that is destroying companies all over the nation. Why on earth would we allow it to continue to destroy our country?

Well, Obama doesn’t care about that; he just wants his fourth term.

However, many believe this post goes even deeper than just identity politics. They believe Obama tore off his mask with this post, clearly revealing to the world that, once again, he’s the one standing behind yet another underqualified, low-IQ candidate, pulling all the strings. He’s signaling to everybody that he’s the guy in charge, and he doesn’t care if you know it.

Here’s what people online are saying about Obama’s post:

“How it’s going…”


“The US needs laws that prohibit former presidents from invoking themselves in policy making activities. There is a two term limit for a reason.”

“You started it. Correct, and it’s ruining everything good about our country.”

“Obama and his dumbest puppet yet. Yeah, it’s going great for you, but shitty for the rest of us.”

“It all started with a fake birth certificate from Hawaii.”

“You’re not even trying to hide your agenda. This will be your 4th term, right?”

“This guy wants to be king of the US, sitting in his Martha’s Vineyard mansion by the (rising) sea, calling all the shots. Screw that.”

“Dumb and dumber DEI candidates. This country is a shit show, Dumbo Ears. STFU.”

This clown is the most power-hungry POS politician on earth”

“Nothing beats this team.”


“Same outfit as Obama. Much lower IQ than Obama.”

“Imagine wanting more of this crap for another four years. You’d have to be certifiably insane.”

“How’s it going? Your candidate is like a DEI hire from a temp agency. Unqualified, and sent by someone else.”

“We’re all voting for Trump”

“Barry pushing identify politics. It’s all he and his husband do.”

“No policies on her website is a horrible look.”

“It started with a divisive race baiting POS and it destroyed our country.”

“Nobody has divided our country more than the Obamas”

“It started with your division of America w/Marxist policies It continued w/your undermining of Trump’s administration It shifted to your control of the Biden regime Now you’re hoping to install your latest puppet to finish bringing Marxism to America That’s how it’s going”

“Everything wrong with America today started the day Barrack Hussain Obama walked into the White House”

“Obama’s vision using another puppet to push his disgusting agenda. No thanks!”

“Neither of you are really black by the way”

“You’re still trying to implement communism in our country, and we will not stand for it. Sorry, Trump got in the way of your evil plan.”

“If only empty suits could make a difference. We are screwed because of empty suits!”

“Both of you helped destroy this nation.”

“She doesn’t have a single vote, the votes that were given to Biden don’t belong to her, she only knows how to laugh, she doesn’t know how to give an interview or how to be good in a debate, so? For you is it a big deal? A person who destroyed 100% of the border security of the United States and with it the security of each of the American families, is that really an achievement for you? What a pity for you.”

The negative comments surged like a tidal wave, crashing down on Barry’s head.

What was really interesting was the overwhelming number of negative comments. Sure, Obama has always attracted vitriol, but it was usually balanced by plenty of positive, adoring remarks. This time, however, those positive comments are either far less or buried under a wave of negativity. This seems to signal a shift in public reaction and opinion toward an Obama post. Has he lost his luster? It may be that the American people are starting to see that the only reason the Dems push these mentally soft DEI candidates is because there are much smarter and more power-hungry people standing behind them, pulling the strings and calling the shots. The bottom line is that this country can’t withstand a fourth Obama term, and the online pushback he’s experiencing could be a sign that Americans have finally had enough.