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The massive influx of illegal Chinese nationals into the United States appears to be a multi-pronged effort with various motives behind the smuggling. For example, a recent report from NewsNation revealed that Chinese citizens are paying Mexican drug cartels big bucks to be smuggled into the US. The cartels are making a fortune, flooding the country with Chinese nationals. Once again, the US, with its open borders, is helping these evil drug cartels rake in millions to continue their dirty deeds.

Mario Nawfal:


NewsNation Correspondant @VenturaReport:

“The Mexican cartel loves smuggling Chinese migrants because they’re willing to pay up to $35,000 to be smuggled into the US.

One thing you notice about the Chinese is that they look completely clean—luggage, shoes, outfit—clean.”

Source: Julian Dorey on YT

NewsNation has been all over this story, from many different angles:

As we said, there’s many different facets to this story. One journalist thinks she has another answer to why so many Chinese nationals are being smuggled into the United States. She says it’s actually the Chinese cartels who are sending massive amounts of workers into the US.

Wall Street Apes:

Journalist Who’s Extensively Covered The Illegal Immigrants Border Crisis Says She’s Found The Answer To Why She’s Only Seen Chinese Illegals Crossing Through San Diego, California & No Where Else

The Chinese Cartels Are Bringing People In To Work

“I learned that from Maine to the state of Washington, Chinese people have bought up a ton of land. And on this land, they are growing marijuana farms. They use these workers. 75% of their workers are illegal Chinese migrants who have entered into America illegally.
They are housing them in shacks and using them to work in their marijuana farms.”

“In LA the other day, a raid was occurred. And in 1, uh, one warehouse, there was over 40,000 plants that were being grown. That value is worth 3 to $4,000,000 Also, I learned that not only is the cartel pushing people in at the border, there’s a group of Chinese people that are basically the Chinese cartel and they are bringing people in.”

Lots more great reporting in this video, they’re importing Chinese illegals and committing even more crimes 🤯

Actually, there have been a lot of reports on the vast number of Chinese nationals that are making their way across our border, but for some reason they fly under the radar.

CBS News:

The number of migrants arriving at the southern border is unprecedented. Last year, U.S. Customs and Border Protection recorded two-and-a-half million instances of detaining or turning away people attempting to cross into the United States from Mexico.

So what’s the fastest growing group among them? Chinese migrants. Yes, you heard that right…Chinese. We saw large groups, including many from the middle class, come through a 4-foot gap at the end of a border fence 60 miles east of San Diego.

The illegal entryway is a new route for those hoping to live in America.

Just after sunrise, we saw the first group of migrants make their way from Mexico…through a gap between the 30 foot steel border fence and rocks.

Ducking under a bit of razor wire and into the United States.

We were surprised to see the number of people coming through from China…nearly 7,000 miles away.

The bottom line is that human trafficking is a billion-dollar global business, and the Biden/Harris regime is making it easier than ever for these criminals to operate. With our wide-open borders, human slaves, drugs, and unvetted criminals can pour through unchecked.

This has been going on, unchecked for years.

For all we know, China could be importing hordes of Chinese nationals into the U.S. to “vote” and sway our elections in their favor. However, we don’t know what’s really going on because our big investigative journalists, like those at The New York Times—despite having the resources to uncover the truth—aren’t the least bit curious about digging into this issue. That alone should be raising red flags all over the country.