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Kamala has flip-flopped yet again. This time, the pathetic, failed border czar—who’s watched as the country is overrun by illegals—now claims she wants to build a border wall. And if you believe that, we’ve got “81 million” legal mail-in ballots to sell you. This story is the kind of political fairytale designed to fool those who think Kamala is “too radical.” But the reality is, she is too radical, and despite her latest claims, she’ll never build a border wall—and everyone knows it. Yet that doesn’t stop our pathetic media from trying to paint Kamala as a “moderate” who’s in touch with the American people.


If she’s elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border — a project she once opposed and called “un-American” during the Trump administration.

Why it matters: It’s the latest example of Harris flip-flopping on her past liberal positions such as supporting Medicare for All and banning fracking — proposals that aides say she now is against.

Harris is embracing a more hawkish immigration policy as Donald Trump’s campaign spends tens of millions of dollars attacking her about the border.
But she still has significant differences with Trump on immigration, opposing his approach to family separation and his plans for mass deportations.
Driving the news: In her speech to the Democratic National Convention last week, Harris said she would sign the recent bipartisan border security bill — which Trump had ordered his allies to kill, fearing it would help Democrats in the November elections.

That bill, negotiated by senators such as James Lankford (R-Okla.) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), requires hundreds of millions of dollars of unspent funds to be used to continue building a wall on the border.
“It requires the Trump border wall,” Lankford told Axios. “It is in the bill itself that it sets the standards that were set during the Trump administration: Here’s where it will be built. Here’s how it has to be built, the height, the type, everything during the Trump construction.”
Harris’ campaign says the border deal is a whole lot more than continuation of wall funding — and a tiny fraction of what Trump has proposed.

The plan is already falling apart. There’s a “Community Notes” added to the Axios article, claiming in reality, Kamala really won’t build a border wall.

Well, duh.

However, Kamala got her headline, and many will see it and believe she’s now a “moderate.” The propaganda media did their job.

The truth is, the entire Harris/Walz campaign is a smoke-and-mirrors shell game, concocted by shady political operatives in some backroom. It’s the same crew that brought us the disaster known as the Joe Biden Show.

Team Kamala’s big “flip flop” on the border wall is as fake as a three-dollar bill.

Remember, Tim Walz once said he wanted to hand out ladders to illegals so they could climb over Trump’s border wall. Does this sound like a team that’s serious about tackling the border invasion?

No, of course not.

How do you go from handing out ladders to suddenly wanting to stop illegals dead in their tracks?

The answer is simple—you don’t. It’s all just phony political theater.

And don’t forget that Kamala herself was vehemently against the border wall, actually calling it a “medieval vanity project.”

And if that’s not bad enough, Kamala also wants to abolish ICE.

There’s nothing “moderate” about Kamala or Walz. They are two of the most radical, extreme progressives to ever run for office. But they know that showing their true colors would scare away voters, so they—and their media lapdogs—will do everything they can to rewrite the script. Don’t be fooled. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will turn the United States into an even more dystopian hellscape than Biden and Harris have, and they’ll do it by deceiving the American people, wrapping their radical agenda in sheep’s clothing to hide the wolves underneath.