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“It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.” You might find yourself thinking of that famous “Buffalo Bill” line from the movie “Silence of the Lambs” when you watch the video we’re about to share.

Buffalo Bill GIFs | Tenor

It stars a very creepy-looking cross-dressing man who now goes by “Leigh” Finke and is parading around as a “woman.” Mr. Finke has been serving in the Minnesota House of Representatives since 2023 as a member of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. Ironically, this party seems less about “farming” and more about pushing a radical trans agenda.

However, Mr. Finke isn’t just any ordinary state House Representative. He’s also a trusted ally and confidant of Governor Tim Walz, Kamala’s wildly progressive VP choice. In fact, Finke is a big part of why Tim Walz is now dubbed #TamponTim, a name that went mega-viral after Walz signed a law mandating tampons in boys’ bathrooms. That’s right—Tim Walz believes that 4th graders, still without fully developed bodies or vocabularies, are mentally “mature” enough to change their genders. And it was Mr. Finke who set this bill in motion. Tim Walz, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with this hulking man, signed radical, extremist trans bills into law.

“It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.”

Mr. Finke is charging ahead full throttle, pushing his perverted agenda on Minnesota’s kids, and Tim Walz is all in. They’re teaming up to promote misguided and harmful trans plans targeting confused children. It’s disgusting and twisted.

Libs of TikTok:

FLASHBACK: Trans MN State Rep. Leigh Finke says he wants to make Minnesota a trans refuge for kids and train more children’s doctors on s*x change surgery and puberty blockers.

He sponsored the “trans refuge” bill which Tim Walz signed which makes MN a sanctuary state for “trans kids” to receive s*x change surgery and irreversible puberty blockers and hormore therapy.

Tim Walz seems to be obsessed with trans people. Who knows, by 2025, Tim might go by “Tina,” and his “trusted advisor,” Mr. Finke, will be right there, wearing a dress, and cheering him on.

MJ Ultra Truth:

If this is one of Tim Walz Advisors… can you imagine what the Country will look like in 5 years?

Dem Rep, Leigh Finke, was instrumental in working with Walz to place tampons in little boys bathrooms in Public Schools…
— they together, elected 11 LGBTQ members to the House two years ago. (I’m sure no fraud was involved 🤦🏻‍♂️)
— they together, created The Queer Caucus and established a trans visibility day for Minnesotan.

Why is he Walz so obsessed with trans people? It’d be interesting to check his browser history..

The truth is, Bill Walz and his extremist trans army of lawmakers are doing whatever they can to strip rights away from parents. This is a chilling example of the state quite literally taking over the role of parent in your kids’ lives.

Walter Hudson:

Reps. Brion Curran and Leigh Finke blatantly lied on the House floor this week about the involvement of parents in “transitioning.” A bill Finke authored, and that every Democrat voted for, cancels parental rights when a child is in MN for “gender-affirming care.”

Furthermore, the PRO Act passed last year has no parental notification requirements for minor children seeking “reproductive services” which is inclusive of “gender-affirming care.”

And, of course, we all know that schools are hiding “transitions” from parents. I met with four mothers in my office this week who each have children or grandchildren that were groomed toward transition without parental notification.

These lies from the queer caucus are vile and unacceptable. But they’re also quite telling. They know they’re in trouble this November.

Imagine if this man, along with his creepy, ghoulish “advisors,” took control at the federal level. Parents would lose their voices in their children’s lives, and confusion and mental illness would not only be normalized but celebrated, leading us toward a society filled with broken, abused, and deeply mangled children and adults.