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Teens in America are in distress, and the numbers don’t lie. It’s clear that American children are being heavily influenced by radical progressive marketing, leading them to make dangerous life decisions that fuel confusion, mental illness, and anxiety.

A growing phenomenon in the US is teachers acting as front-line soldiers in the LGBTQ agenda, determined to recruit your children—with or without your approval. They’ll use all sorts of sneaky and cunning tactics to achieve this, even going so far as to redefine what it means to be a “child.”

Queen Katerina:

Trans activist at a Sarasota County, FL school board meeting claims that “children” don’t receive any kind of gender treatment, only teens or “tweens” do…

What? Teens are children!

She also claims that puberty blockers have “zero” permanent impact on children. Which is a complete and total lie.

This woman wants kids to get physically and chemically castrated in the name of gender ideology.

The surge in gay and trans identities among younger generations is nothing short of alarming. Are we really supposed to believe this is just a natural shift in societal norms? Not a chance. It’s the result of extreme LGBTQ activism, radical teachers, and crazy liberal parents who push their kids into these lifestyles as a badge of progressive honor, parading them around like little tokens to impress their friends and fellow activists.

So, it’s no surprise that a new Gallup report confirms what we’ve suspected all along: liberal-style parenting is scraping the bottom of the barrel. It scored dead last and is likely a major reason why our nation’s children are floundering in a sea of sexual and identity confusion.

IF Studies:

After a decade of surging adolescent mental health problems and suicide, the nation’s leading public health authorities have declared an emergency. Unfortunately, the solutions proposed by organizations like the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics—such as increased funding for diagnostic and psychiatric services—do not meet the challenge and ignore what are likely to be the most important causes. Adolescent biology hasn’t changed.

My colleagues and I at Gallup launched a study this summer to understand the causes.


The most important factor in the mental health of adolescent children is the quality of the relationship with their caregivers. This, in turn, is strongly related to parenting practices—with the best results coming from warm, responsive, and rule-bound, disciplined parenting. The data also reveal the characteristics of parents who engage in best-practices and enjoy the highest quality relationships.

When it comes to the quality of parenting practices and the quality of child-parent relationships, there is no variation by socioeconomic status. The results may be shocking to many highly educated Americans who were taught to believe that socioeconomic status dictates everything good in life. Income doesn’t buy better parenting, and more highly educated parents do not score better, either. Parenting style and relationship quality also do not meaningfully vary by race and ethnicity within our U.S. sample.


Yet, some parental characteristics do matter. Political ideology is one of the strongest predictors. Conservative and very conservative parents are the most likely to adopt the parenting practices associated with adolescent mental health. They are the most likely to effectively discipline their children, while also displaying affection and responding to their needs. Liberal parents score the lowest, even worse than very liberal parents, largely because they are the least likely to successfully discipline their children. By contrast, conservative parents enjoy higher quality relationships with their children, characterized by fewer arguments, more warmth, and a stronger bond, according to both parent and child reporting.


In particular, the late Stanford University psychologist, Eleanor Maccoby, her colleagues, and students found that children raised by responsive, but limit-setting parents have the best outcomes. They described this style of parenting as “authoritative”—and distinguished it from permissive and authoritarian forms of parenting, which were not as successful. Children raised in authoritative homes are more likely to exhibit self-control, social competence, success in school, compliance with rules and reasonable social norms, and even exhibit more confidence and creativity. Hundreds of subsequent empirical studies show that depression, anxiety, and behavioral problems are significantly lower when children experience this form of authoritative parenting.

This shouldn’t be “mind-blowing” stuff. Providing structure, direction, and discipline has always been key to raising decent, well-rounded adults. But today, those values clash with the far-left progressive lifestyle, which is all about pushing extreme and alternative lifestyles. It’s turning children into radical little zombies, unable to cope in a normal, traditional society.

What’s really troubling is that some of these “bottom of the barrel” parents are even using their kids as experiments, altering their bodies for good, all in the name of liberalism. This isn’t parenting, it’s political extremism and child abuse.

Mr. Menno:

New vid premieres this eve at 9PM UK time on YouTube.
It was meant to be a 2 min TikTok but turned into a half hour vid on the madness of ‘trans’ teen surgeries.

It’s grim.

➡️ ‘Trans’ surgeries are being performed on kids as young as 12
➡️ Even on girls with Down syndrome
➡️ Surgeons use Pride to scout for patients
➡️ Some surgeons don’t even require a letter from a mental health expert
➡️ Parents are being side lined
➡️ Proper therapy to help these teens is being outlawed
➡️ Double mastectomies are being glorified by brands and the media

Because in the name of ‘gender affirming care’… anything goes 🤯😡

As we mentioned earlier, this is recruitment into an army, and parents who allow or encourage this to happen are failing their kids, themselves, and their country. These types of liberal parents have a personality disorder and they should be imprisoned for using their children as progressive accessories to show off to their friends and online followers. The destruction to an entire generation of kids, thanks to rotten liberal parenting, is absolutely devastating and heartbreaking.

Of course, gender “transitioning” is just an extreme example of the mental unease and crippling psychological devastation resulting from liberal parenting. Far more kids are simply coping with the pain of having weak liberal parents by “questioning” their sexuality, taking mind-altering SSRIs, or experimenting with illegal drugs. Indeed, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Gen Z is outpacing all other generations when it comes to drug abuse.

American Addiction Centers:

Gen Z drug use outpaces all other age groups for factors such as prescription benzodiazepine misuse and cocaine use.

This is the sad state of American families in the US. But the truth is, these liberal parents are not capable, mentally or emotionally, of caring for their children and disciplining them. That’s why more responsible conservative parents, who understand how to nurture and provide guidance, must step in and save these poor kids. We need to be far more active on school boards, where much of this extreme recruitment is happening, and provide children with the safety and nurturing they need to grow up as decent, productive human beings—without some of them even missing body parts or bearing horrific scars.