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The only way we can hope to restore dignity and respect to our US elections is by taking down the Dems’ cheating machine. We all know they manipulated mail-in ballots in 2020 to secure that absurd “81 million” votes for a man who likely has Parkinson’s disease, but their machine has many other moving parts. One of their biggest weapons is finding ways to get non-Americans to vote. Last year, polling giant Rasmussen explored this very issue and found that non-citizens are surprisingly eager to vote in the 2024 election.

These numbers explain why Dems are so eager to flood our country with illegals. It’s certainly not out of the goodness of their black hearts. They have a plan, and many believe it’s called the “Great Replacement Theory,” designed to transform the US and ensure they never lose power again.

Thankfully, one man is fighting back. In the Great State of Texas, a place the Dems are desperate to turn blue, numerous organizations are being accused of helping illegals vote in our elections. Now, Ken Paxton is making his move against them to secure our elections.

Ken Paxton:

🚨Breaking: I am launching an investigation into reports that organizations in Texas are illegally registering non-citizens to vote.

Texans are deeply troubled by the possibility that organizations purporting to assist with voter registration are illegally registering noncitizens to vote in our elections.

If eligible citizens can legally register to vote when
conducting their business at a DPS office, why would they need a second opportunity to register with a booth outside?

My office is investigating every credible report we receive regarding potential criminal activity that could compromise the integrity of our elections. The Biden-Harris Administration has intentionally flooded our country with illegal aliens, and without proper safeguards, foreign nationals can illegally influence elections at the local, state, and national level.

It is a crime to vote—or to register to vote—if you are not a United States Citizen. Any wrongdoing will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Here’s a closeup of the press release:


No wonder the Uniparty was going after Ken Paxton. He’s one of the good guys who’s actually fighting for the American people. Let’s face it, keeping non-citizens off the voter rolls is the first important step to maintaining the integrity of our elections.

We need every single red-state Republican AG to follow suit. If they refuse, they need to go. There’s no other way to take back our elections, and we can’t just sit back and “vote” this nightmare away. It’s too far gone for that.