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Political platforms don’t always grab headlines—they’re usually boring and dry. But the Democratic platform unveiled at the DNC convention is a different story. It’s so dangerous and radically extreme that everyone is talking about it. At the heart of this radical agenda is the US Citizenship Act, the most extreme and absurd amnesty bill ever written. It’s a blatant “population replacement” bill, designed to flood our country with foreigners who will vote Democrat, effectively drowning out legitimate American citizens. If this act passes, it would be a bullet train to the destruction of our nation.

RELATED: Have you seen Kamala’s proposed radical cabinet? Eric Holder, Rahm Emanuel, and more…

The Harris/Walz duo is the most radical to ever slither onto the US political scene, and we’ve been covering their every move. Even the moves nobody else is talking about.


It’s no secret that the Harris/Walz campaign is the most extreme we’ve ever seen in US history. These two radical political puppets are among the most dangerous to ever crawl out of the swamp. With their lawless agenda—ranging from open borders and trans madness to their pro-riot stance—if these Marxist maniacs get anywhere near the White House, this country will be transformed beyond recognition. And nobody knows this better than President Trump, who recently posted this doozy on X:


However, one recent development—which should be causing a sh*t storm—is barely making a ripple.

Doug Mackey, the young man railroaded by the Biden regime and convicted of a felony for sharing a satirical anti-Hillary meme, has taken notice of Kamala’s latest move, and he shared a powerful post on X.

So, what does Kamala have up her sleeve? Well, she’s planning to create Soviet-style apartments for illegals, with a staggering three million new homes for these “newcomers” during her first term (God forbid). Talk about America last, right?

We encourage you to read the entire eye-opening piece here:

Kamala just went full commie, and for some reason, nobody’s talking about it…

The Dems’ plan is obvious: replace Americans with illegals to secure their grip on power. This is nothing short of horrific. These people are communist lunatics, and Kamala Harris at the helm would spell the end of everything we hold dear. One of the most outrageous parts of their plan is how they claim to have “reduced” illegal immigration simply by legalizing those who would have crossed the border illegally. For Americans, the result is the same—our country is being turned into a catch-all for the entire world. However, truth be told, this is what they’ve been planning all along because they know they can’t win without cheating. They’re doing to the US what’s already happening in Europe and the UK, but they’re doing it through radical left-wing legislation. Open borders aren’t enough for them; they want to permanently alter the fabric of our nation. For those of us who’ve been paying attention, this is no surprise. We saw it coming, and now it’s here.

Rob Law:

Kamala Harris’ DNC platform pledges to pass the U.S. Citizenship Act. What is it? The most radical amnesty bill ever written. Amnesty for human traffickers & gang members, no welfare restrictions for migrants, lets deportees return, & worse. Read on for the horrifying details…


Amnesty for all illegal aliens who have invaded our country, including those who impermissibly used taxpayer funded welfare & unlawfully voted in US elections.


Waivers to amnesty convicted illegal alien criminals, vile human traffickers, & other public safety threats. Waivers for nearly all grounds of inadmissibility.


If that’s not bad enough, it immediately issues SSN to all illegal aliens. There will be no vetting & this gets them drivers licenses & voter registration.


And the bill even requires taxpayers to pay for PREVIOUSLY DEPORTED illegal aliens to be brought back to get amnesty. This radical bill rewards illegal aliens & traffickers while putting Americans last.


And the bill even requires taxpayers to pay for PREVIOUSLY DEPORTED illegal aliens to be brought back to get amnesty. This radical bill rewards illegal aliens & traffickers while putting Americans last.


What we’re witnessing right now is nothing short of treason. Only a dictator would want to replace disillusioned and frustrated Americans with illegals just to buy their votes. The Democrats don’t care who these people are—they just need their votes to stay in power and achieve their goal of transforming the United States into a green/DEI utopia. And if this radical duo wins, that’s exactly what they’ll do. It’s no exaggeration to say that if Harris and Walz get anywhere near the White House, their platform will crush the United States and turn it into a hellscape that makes the Biden/Harris years look like a cakewalk.