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It’s no secret that the Harris/Walz campaign is the most extreme we’ve ever seen in US history. These two radical political puppets are among the most dangerous to ever crawl out of the swamp. With their lawless agenda—ranging from open borders and trans madness to their pro-riot stance—if these Marxist maniacs get anywhere near the White House, this country will be transformed beyond recognition. And nobody knows this better than President Trump, who recently posted this doozy on X:

What Joe Biden and Kamala have done to this country will seem like a cakewalk compared to what she and “Tampon Tim” have in store.

Recently, we covered a deeply disturbing story about the potential cabinet Kamala has in mind if she somehow manages to get installed in the White House. This lineup should give you a clear picture of just how extreme she and Walz plan to be.


It seems Obama is angling for a fourth term, which is why he’s sidelined Biden in favor of Kamala Harris—the unpopular, inexperienced DEI diva who reportedly used her “womanly ways” to get ahead. Why do we know this? We got a sneak peek at Kamala’s proposed cabinet, and it’s a who’s who of Obama-era radicals, starting with head Marxist Eric Holder and the progressive disaster who torched Chicago, Rahm Emanuel. If this scary group of radicals doesn’t light a fire in you to ensure President Trump gets reelected, nothing will.

You can read the entire piece and watch the video from Glenn Beck by clicking below:

Have you seen Kamala’s proposed radical cabinet? Eric Holder, Rahm Emanuel, and more…

In the meantime, Kamala has been revealing her Marxist colors almost daily since she splashed on the scene.

However, one recent development—which should be causing a sh*t storm—is barely making a ripple.

Doug Mackey, the young man railroaded by the Biden regime and convicted of a felony for sharing a satirical anti-Hillary meme, has taken notice of Kamala’s latest move, and he shared a powerful post on X.

So, what does Kamala have up her sleeve? Well, she’s planning to create Soviet-style apartments for illegals, with a staggering three million new homes for these “newcomers” during her first term (God forbid). Talk about America last, right?

Douglass Mackey:

Speaking of Kamunism: Kamala wants Soviet-style block apartment housing built across the country to house all the “newcomers,” and nobody is really talking about it.

“The Democratic presidential candidate revealed the first details of her new economic agenda on Friday, which she hopes to implement during her first 100 days in office. A key part of her proposal involves building 3 million new homes over a four-year period.

It slots neatly into the YIMBY movement, which stands for “Yes, In My BackYard,” and is a pro-development movement focusing on increasing high-density and affordable housing supply by targeting barriers to new building. (It’s a counter to the NIMBY, or “Not In My BackYard” movement.)

Harris said Friday that her administration plans to build 3 million units by working in partnership with workers and the private sector to go after obstacles in the way of new construction at both the state and local level.”

This would be totally grim for America and they will absolutely be devastating red states and counties with this.

Imagine something like this coming to a neighborhood near you.


If Kamala gets her way, that’s exactly what will happen. You can read the entire article by clicking here.

Not only is this woman a radical progressive, she’s also way over her head.

Meanwhile, if you’re looking for something less dreary and Soviet, check out what President Trump has planned: “Freedom Cities.” This visionary initiative will finally propel America into the future, offering 10 U.S. cities the chance to grow with incredible new job opportunities and become thriving, modern utopias for American citizens.


WATCH: A massive part of Trump’s 2nd-term agenda is to charter TEN new mega-futuristic cities in various states on federally-owned lands

“Almost one-third of the landmass of the United States is owned by the federal government, with just a very, very small portion of that land… we should hold a contest to charter up to ten new cities and award them to the best proposals for development. In other words, we’ll actually build new cities in our country again.”

The “Freedom Cities” will lead to historic job creation and the easing of traffic in cities nationwide. They will become hubs of innovation and offer new families the opportunity to own homes at a fraction of the current price. The cities will also provide an unprecedented opportunity for up-and-coming entrepreneurs to build generational wealth in low-tax, high-reward environments.

Trump is the only Republican who understands that the spirit of innovation needs to return to America. Some conservatives are against this idea because it reminds them of the WEF’s 15-minute cities. But that’s a foolish mindset. Trump is proposing these cities to compete with Dubai, Doha, Abu Dhabi, etc. We need to beat them and do it better. Like Space Force, Trump wants the United States to be FIRST in every category.

He’s trying to give people what their great-grandparents had. Cities like NYC, Chicago, LA, SF, Houston, Miami, etc, didn’t start overnight. People saw innovation and opportunities and moved there for better opportunities.

I, for one, think we need to start thinking about the future. I want my generation to be the one to bring about flying cars.

This election presents a clear choice: you can vote for Kamala and embrace a collection of rebooted, dingy, failed Soviet Marxist ideas, or you can vote for Trump and get modern growth, new jobs, and bold, innovative ideas to not only make America great again but also improve American lives across the board. The 2024 election is about moving forward or slipping back into some of the darkest times in world history.

Forward with Trump or backward with Kamala—your choice.