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Is there a more phony DEI politician than Kamala Harris? This is someone who has never risen through the ranks based on expertise or merit. Instead, she’s been promoted due to her gender, skin color, and “womanly ways.” As a result, she’s a malleable politician who shifts with the winds, molded into whatever her superiors want her to be. Like Biden, who’s also always one of the dumbest politicians in the room, Harris steals and plagiarizes from those who are actually smarter. A prime example of this is her so-called “first policy” proposal, which simply recycled President Trump’s great idea of not taxing tips.

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Once again, Kamala Harris is a DEI candidate who can’t generate her own ideas and sits back, riding on the coattails of more intelligent people.

Kamala might have thought she could get away with stealing President Trump’s excellent idea, which would actually help hardworking Americans. But karma had different plans for the Cackling Queen. It didn’t take long for her phony moment of glory to be flushed down the toilet when the American people were reminded that Kamala Harris was the one who cast the “tie-breaking” vote to empower the IRS to hunt down Americans who didn’t pay taxes on their tips.

How’s that for being a phony piece of work?

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Here’s a closer look at Kamala’s tweet where she proudly sticks it to the working class.


Isn’t it typical of a snake-oil politician to say one thing while doing the complete opposite? That’s what you get with Kamala, a phony liar who crawls up other people’s backs in order to reach the top.

Don Jr. put it best in a recent post.

Democrats really think their voting base and the American people are dumb enough to buy this absurd “malarky.” The truth is, Kamala has no original thoughts, so it’s no surprise that her campaign is a smoke and mirrors con job, filled with fake AI “crowds,”  stolen policies, and plagiarized ideas.

Take a look at Kamala’s crowd. Do these look like real people to you?

Here’s a closeup of the “Cowardly Lion”:


This poor guy has a couple of extra sets of arms, and the people have AI-generated “expressions.”

The photo below has gone viral. It claims the entire crowd was AI.


Even James Woods has noticed the strange AI phenomenon with Kamala’s so-called “crowds.”

Her entire campaign is an astroturfed snow job. But it’s not surprising. After all, this is what happens when you choose an empty, vapid vessel as your party’s candidate. It’s our job to ensure the truth comes out and Kamala Harris is exposed for the phony, inexperienced fraud she truly is. Your job is to spread the word.