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Of the many failures of the Biden-Harris regime, the two most devastating would have to be the deadly chaos at our border and the crippling effects of runaway inflation. Since Biden took office, prices have risen nearly 20 percent, a number that, when checked against stagnant wage growth, puts the real effect of inflation at some of the worst levels we’ve seen in decades. Inflation is often described as the “hidden tax” because it takes away purchasing power from citizens not through taking away money directly but via a devaluation of the money that citizens already have.

Inflation might deserve that description in another sense, that is, that the powers that be—in this case the Biden-Harris administration—often go to great lengths to conceal the existence and severity of inflation. Larry Summers, former Treasury Secretary under Obama, wrote a major paper highlighting how the Biden regime was disguising the reality of inflation via misleading CPI configurations—an index that is often used to measure and obscure real inflation. In a bombshell study that came out just weeks ago, economists Nouriel Roubini and Stephen Miran showed how Biden’s current Treasury Secretary is effectively and secretly undercutting the Federal Reserve’s efforts to reduce out-of-control inflation. While the exact mechanism is fairly technical, in a nutshell, the paper showed how the Treasury has embraced a debt-issuance strategy that has the effect of economic stimulus equivalent to a one percent cut in the Fed’s policy rate. In other words, in order to keep a version of the inflationary QE stimulus going, Biden’s Treasury Department is employing a subtle and backhanded debt issuance strategy that serves to greatly exacerbate inflation. The beneficiaries of this, of course, are the folks on Wall Street; the losers are the average Americans getting killed at the supermarket checkout counter.

Larry Summers, who, despite being a prominent Democrat, has called out Biden-Harris’ disastrous inflationary policies, has pointed to Biden-Harris anti-trust policy as an additional aggravating factor. And lo and behold, the latest and arguably most pathetic attempt of the Biden-Harris regime to avoid responsibility for addressing inflation in a serious way is to launch anti-trust attacks on companies using AI algorithms to help landlords determine rent prices.

In a recent speech, VP Harris made a big deal about AI-powered rental pricing software being the key driver in out-of-control rental prices and pledged to support a law to deal with this ostensibly critical problem. Scarcely a week later, the Biden-Harris DOJ announced an anti-trust case against a relatively unknown software company called “Real Page” for employing this AI-based pricing software. Such is the Biden-Harris administration’s eagerness to amplify the importance of this case that Merrick Garland dedicated an entire speech to the alleged deleterious impact of AI pricing software on consumers and renters. Nine Democrat State AG’s have joined in this lawsuit, along with a single Republican from Tennessee who seems to think joining in with Democrats will earn him some brownie points (newsflash, it never works that way).

In theory, we would applaud VP Harris’ attention to the problem of rising rental prices. Affordable homes and affordable rent are major preconditions for the kind of civic and economic flourishing we all agree is central to an America First agenda. But this bizarre effort to deflect blame to companies using AI-pricing technology, along with focusing on economically illiterate and historically failed solutions such as rent control, is simply not going to cut it and is in fact in all likelihood economically counterproductive. It is no surprise that the groups most vigorously promoting this dubious strategy are the usual far-left suspects, like the largely unknown “Groundwork Collaborative,” run by Lindsay Owens, a former economist for Elizabeth Warren and legislative director for the disgraced progressive Keith Ellison.

Legal experts such as Adam Candeub have pointed out this troubling trend of Biden-Harris in attempting to scapegoat rising prices and the housing affordability crisis to “AI algorithms.”


Professor Candeub noted that the Biden-Harris FTC and DOJ’s attacks on algorithms are examples of going after innovation rather than protecting competition and meant to distract from the Administration’s policies, which lead to high prices. “Burdensome environmental regulations disincentive the building of new units and crime makes many cities uninhabitable for middle-class families. At the same time, immigration, and Chinese investment in the U.S. real estate market increase demand. Rather than address these issues, Kamala Harris is trying to scapegoat AI, distorting basic market incentives.”

To add insult to injury, if you’re going to scapegoat AI for inflation, at least go after a major tech company rather than the types of “smaller tech” companies that could create competition in the algorithmic space and counteract the dominance of behemoths like OpenAI. JD Vance is after all right to underscore the importance of the so-called “little tech” companies in our tech ecosystem, which is often dominated by regime-aligned monopolies or duopolies.

By focusing on such bizarre and exotic scapegoats as AI software, the Biden-Harris administration hopes to deflect from its severe mismanagement of the economy. Perhaps no administration in history has spent so much money on inflationary stimulus with so little to show for it. Biden used to be lauded for his 1.3 trillion dollar infrastructure act, but now this is hardly talked about anymore because it has so little to show for it. With billions spent on EV charging stations alone, the Biden Administration scandalously admitted it has only managed to build 10 so far. Where on earth has all of this money gone?

Then, of course, there’s the elephant in the room: immigration. The signature failure of the Biden-Harris administration is without question its complete abdication of its basic duty to protect our nation’s borders. More than 10 million illegal aliens have flooded into our country since Biden-Harris took office—that’s more than the population of New York City in illegal aliens in a mere four years! Speaking of New York City, Democrat Harris-aligned politicians have notoriously adopted the practice of putting up swathes of illegal aliens in luxury hotels while poor American citizens wallow on the streets.

As we covered earlier, Kamala has even pledged to spend millions on ugly Soviet-style apartments to house the never-ending flood of illegals into the country.


Doug Mackey, the young man railroaded by the Biden regime and convicted of a felony for sharing a satirical anti-Hillary meme, has taken notice of Kamala’s latest move, and he shared a powerful post on X.

So, what does Kamala have up her sleeve? Well, she’s planning to create Soviet-style apartments for illegals, with a staggering three million new homes for these “newcomers” during her first term (God forbid). Talk about America last, right?

It’s simply absurd that Kamala is pointing fingers at AI software when there are migrant gangs violently taking over apartment blocks in previously peaceful towns in America.

It’s time to get serious about the devaluation of our money with inflation and the devaluation of the very notion of citizenship with the endless stream of illegals flooding in due to Harris and Biden’s complicity. That means stopping wasteful stimulus spending, prioritizing American citizens over illegal aliens, and revitalizing our economy so Americans can afford homes and pursue the American dream once again. Enough with the cheap distractions.