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A lot of people think globalists have doomed Europe beyond repair, and it’s hard to blame them for feeling that way. Just look at Paris and London—two cities that are practically unrecognizable now. They’ve surrendered their cultures and traditions on the altar of “diversity.” However, not all the news is bleak. Italy, which has a majority conservative leadership, is actually seeing illegal migration drop significantly, thanks to Prime Minister Meloni’s policies finally taking effect.

European Conservative:

Seaborne illegal migration into Italy has seen an unprecedented drop this year as the deterrent policies of Giorgia Meloni’s conservative government have begun to bear fruit, the local daily Il Giornale reported on Tuesday, August 13th.

According to newly published official data, Rome registered a shocking 62.4% drop in illegal arrivals in 2024, with 37,000 migrants landing in Italy as of August 12th compared to nearly 100,000 in the same period last year.

2023 was especially bad in terms of illegal arrivals with the Southern Italian island of Lampedusa being the hardest hit of all landing sites. Around 120 boats carrying between 6-7,000 migrants arrived on the island on a single day in September, prompting commentators and lawmakers alike to describe the event as an “invasion.”

While Italy celebrates, however, other Mediterranean countries are being targeted by the same people smugglers in much higher numbers than before—Spain registered a 155% increase this year, and Greece a whopping 222%—showing that the problem of illegal migration has not gone away but simply pivoted to more vulnerable shores.

Spain is particularly exposed to illegal arrivals in the Canary Islands which are located just 100 km off the coast of West Africa and which continue to experience a record number of landings year by year. Greece’s vast archipelago also provides easy targets for human smugglers from North Africa, but a significant portion of the boats carrying Middle Eastern migrants are opting for the closer Cyprus instead, a tiny nation struggling under the weight of this newfound crisis.

Meanwhile, Meloni’s Italy also excels in “assisted returns,” in which migrants who voluntarily choose to return to their home countries are given administrative, logistical, or financial support to help them re-integrate. To compare, Italy conducted over 9,000 assisted returns to Libya and Tunisia in only the first six months of this year, while the total number in 2023 toward all countries of origin stood at around 3,200.

Despite early criticisms of ineffectiveness, Italy’s strategy for addressing illegal migration appears to be working as intended. It is based on two components: deterrence and diplomacy, working in unison to solve the problem in the middle and long-term as well.

For deterrence, Meloni reformed the country’s immigration system to shorten the asylum procedure, introduce more thorough age verification protocols, ramp up voluntary and involuntary returns, allow longer detention times to prevent failed asylum seekers from disappearing, and eliminate several legal loopholes that allowed both migrants and search and rescue NGOs to easily abuse the system.

Italy has also taken a stand by outlawing bugs and lab-grown synthetic meats—two of the globalist favorites.

Clearly, Bill Gates will not be pleased about this.

Concerned Citizen:

🚨🇮🇹Italy So NO to Synthetic Foods ‼️

“Italy is the First Nation to say no to synthetic food & so call synthetic meat”

“It does so in a formal & official act”

“Italy bans production, marketing & import of synthetic foods”

“There is uncertainty regarding certain products”

Wow – Bill Gates will NOT like this.

You don’t mess with Italy’s food, that’s for darn sure.

But the globalists don’t give a damn about clean, healthy food for the common people. We’ve been covering their plan to “reset” the world into a bug-eating, pod-living dystopia.


Lately, so many “conspiracy theories” have been validated that they might as well be called “spoiler alerts.” Among the most significant is the dystopian “Great Reset.” The Great Reset represents a massive globalist movement, or “reset” that happened right after the COVID pandemic took over and Trump was ousted from the White House. It’s aimed at establishing a communist green agenda. This agenda demands compliance and obedience to consolidate complete elite control, and it’s all based on the twisted and false idea that if action is not taken, the planet will cease to exist.

For the longest time, anyone who talked about this plan was dismissed as a “Q-kook” and considered a wild conspiracy theorist. However, if you’re keeping score like we are, once again, the conspiracy theorists come out on top. It turns out this dystopian nightmare is real, and the UN plans to have it fully operational by 2030. And in case anybody doubts you, there’s a chilling video to back it all up.

Here’s a breakdown of the video you’re about to watch:

This Is One Of The MOST IMPORTANT VIDEOS You Can Watch, For That Reason I’ve Transcribed The Entire Clip To Read 👇 🔊

EXPOSED ⛔️ Former US Senator On UN Agenda 2030. IT’S REAL, we will own nothing, be chipped like cattle & eat bugs

“I worked in the US Senate Environment and Public Works Committee back in it was 2007, the UN came out with their big agriculture report where they said that cow emissions were more harmful to the planet than all the trains, planes and automobiles combined

And this was the beginning or the acceleration of going after the global food supply. And what happened in that in the interim time, is there’s all sorts of people in Hollywood people like, Excuse me, Nicole Kidman, pushing insect eating, with Vanity Fair actually like eating live insects, which I never understood where the animal rights people were with pushing that we’re seeing this madness spread everywhere

Now, in Ireland, they’re going to kill 200,000 Cows over three years to meet the net zero climate goals. Germany, this is their German newspaper, The Daily build one sausage per month, according to the government’s new proposal with the German nutritional society. This is real. It’s happening. It’s not theoretical. We’re not talking about down the road. You saw the video clip, John Kerry announced earlier in June, that we’re now going to be targeting American agriculture.

What happens is these politicians and yes, even Republican politicians sign on to these UN climate treaties and the end UN climate reports. Not so much George W. Bush, not Donald Trump, but certainly George HW Bush, but at these summits in the course with Obama & Biden, they sign on to I will limit with along with these other politicians all limit the earth’s temperature to two degrees, and they’ll all limit up to 1.5 degrees & we’ll double down on that zero, like modern witches arguing over how they’re going to fine tune the Earth’s climate

Well, this grandstanding has real consequences, because they then have net zero goals, a treaty that they signed, like the UN Paris agreement, they go home in the case of the Netherlands, where they wanted to eliminate up to almost 12,000 family run small farms before the farmers fought back a court order that they had to comply with these netzero commitments. And this is what’s now happening both in our automotive industry and our food and energy industry. We’ve committed ourselves and now we’re forced to come out and sex reorienting every aspect of society. This is the intentional collapse of food, agriculture, energy and to boot our free speech, so we can’t complain about it. And this, so what’s happening right now, as we go forward, as the United States just approved lab grown meat, the United States is approving insects

And we have John Kerry now expanding this, they’re already decimating farming in Australia. And in Canada. We’re seeing the results of it in all throughout Europe. And we’re seeing we saw the results of it in Sri Lanka, where the World Economic Forum touted their big, non modern organic return to organic farming. And of course, the whole country the presidential palace was overrun. So this is our There’s an old Chinese proverb when there are many when there’s food on the table, there are many problems when there’s no food, there’s only one problem. And right now, we are facing a situation where they’re creating intentional chaos and scarcity, to force us to look as they’re saying to buy insects to buy this lab grown meat

& we even have elementary school kids in Europe, United States, Australia, they’re giving kids these cricket based snacks that are looked like potato chips, oil seasoning, and they’re told in this exact quote, to go home and pester their parents that insects are good to eat. This is how they’re doing a psyop both globally and they’re aiming at the kids. They’re getting kids and kids are more likely to eat a bug today than any adult they’re pushing this throughout public schools”

Back in 2023, the situation in Italy was looking very bleak and downright dangerous.

In the wake of videos like that, it’s incredibly encouraging to see Meloni’s policies making a real difference. She’s giving the Italian people their culture and country back. Maybe, just maybe, the rest of Europe will take note and choose to do the right thing for their own people as well.