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The mayor of Palm Beach appears to have a personal vendetta against President Trump, and she’s now trying to exploit the assassination attempt against him to destroy his business and throw him and his family out of their home. That’s the story we’re hearing, coming out of Palm Beach, Florida. The mayor’s name is Danielle Moore, and she’s considering shutting down Mar-a-Lago because of a road closure leading to Trump’s property due to security reasons after the attempt on his life. To many, this woman’s intentions are utterly insufferable. And to make matters worse, in her statement on the matter, she refers to grown adults—her constituents—as “boys and girls.” You know the type, right? Another “girl boss” who knows better than everyone else?

Rumor has it, Ms. Moore is a RINO, to boot.

One has to wonder: could this latest anti-American move be the final nail in her political coffin?


BREAKING: The Mayor of Palm Beach is considering shutting down Mar-a-Lago and kicking Trump out of his own house

“In my mind, if the road is closed, the Mar-a-Lago Club is closed… You can’t have it both ways, boys and girls” – Mayor Danielle Moore

After the attempt on Trump’s life in Butler on July 13th, Secret Service increased personnel around the property and closed South Ocean Boulevard, the road running along Mar-a-Lago. Police say “at a minimum” the closure will last through Election Day. Now the mayor wants to use the road’s closure as an opportunity to close Mar-a-Lago as well

Local residents also say they don’t feel safe because of the new checkpoints added by the Secret Service, “Our residents don’t feel safe right now,” Council Member Julie Araskog said.

She has now directed the Town Council to research whether it could close Mar-a-Lago until the road reopens

Sadly, Mayor Moore is just another example of why unhinged, overly emotional women probably shouldn’t be in positions of power. In terms of business, these types of female leaders are bringing down corporations with woke lunacy flooding through marketing and HR departments. Just ask Bud Light how they feel about hiring an emotionally unhinged lady to run things.


An indefinite road closure near former President Donald Trump’s Florida property has prompted Moore to direct the Town Council to research whether it could close the beach club until the road reopens.

The Secret Service closed South Ocean Boulevard, the road running along Mar-a-Lago, almost a month ago, in the wake of the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump. Security has also been increased around Trump’s other properties, including the Trump Tower in Manhattan and his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

So far, there are no plans to reopen the road. Local police have said that “at a minimum” the shutdown would last through Election Day on November 5.

Amid the road closure and new checkpoints, Mar-a-Lago has remained open for business. Town officials are now wondering how effective increased security is if hundreds of people continue to be invited to the property for various events.

“You can’t have it both ways, boys and girls,” Moore said during a Tuesday Palm Beach Council meeting, the Palm Beach Daily News reported. “Either the club’s open or not.”

“In my mind, if the road is closed, the Mar-a-Lago Club is closed,” the mayor said.

Notice how Mayor Moore uses the term “in her mind,” making it appear to most that it is a personal decision and has little to do with her constituents. Clearly, this same emotional mentality that we’ve seen take down businesses like Bud Light has seeped into politics. We’re now watching a “girl boss” mayor weaponize her position to score progressive brownie points. And let’s not forget the similar disaster unfolding in the Mitten State, where a team of Trump-hating women is driving Michigan into the ground.