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UPDATE BELOW: Gov. Beshear doubles down…

What were the good people of Kentucky thinking when they elected Democrat Andy Beshear as their governor? After his recent comments about JD Vance’s family, they’ll hopefully be asking themselves that very question and reconsider electing progressive creeps like him into office. In a recent interview from the DNC Convention floor, Governor Beshear stooped to the lowest point of his career—maybe even his entire life—when he wished that JD Vance’s wife and/or daughter would get raped and end up pregnant.

Yes, you heard that right.

As if this disgusting comment wasn’t horrific enough on its own, the thought becomes even more repulsive when you consider that JD’s little girl, Mirabel, is only a toddler. JD’s wife is 39-year-old Usha Chilukuri Vance, a devoted mother of three beautiful children.


Yet, even so, Governor Andy Beshear is hoping little Mirabel and her mother get raped and end up pregnant, just so JD Vance will learn a lesson and be forced to “go through it.” It’s almost unimaginable that a man in such a position of power would say something so utterly twisted and demented, yet here we are. It’s painfully clear that Andy Beshear is just another typical left-wing ghoul. At this point, how much more demented can these sick freaks get? And the kicker in all this madness? We’re the ones who are labeled as “sick” and “weird.”

UPDATE: Gov. Beshear doubles down.

Doug Mackey, a young man who knows firsthand what it’s like to be screwed over by the US regime—after being convicted of a felony for sharing a satirical anti-Hillary meme—was outraged by the disgusting and violent words Governor Beshear directed at JD Vance’s family, and he aptly used the words “sick freak” to describe Governor Beshear.

Senator Vance himself was outraged.

Those are fighting words by the sick governor of Kentucky, after all.

The Trump campaign also reacted.

The truly twisted part of Governor Beshear’s comments is that they are entirely baseless. There is no national ban on abortion—President Trump has made it clear that states will decide. Yet, despite this, Governor Beshear wants JD Vance’s family to be raped so he can “see how it feels.” It’s unthinkable and deeply disturbing that the good people of Kentucky should demand his immediate resignation. A man who wishes such vile, illegal trauma on a child and a mother has no business holding any position of power. Governor Beshear is a disgrace and has no place in public office. Furthermore, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz should be asked directly if they agree with what Governor Beshear said, and if not, they must disavow both his comments and him.