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Harley-Davidson, the iconic all-American motorcycle company, took a sharp U-turn into wokeness, thanks to their German CEO, Jochen Zeitz. Zeitz, who vowed to transform this US icon into a DEI corporation, pushed a tyrannical green and anti-white agenda. Thanks to conservative influencer Robby Starbuck, Zeitz’s dystopian plans were exposed, which caused Harley-Davidson to panic and backtrack.

Robby posted a series of videos showing the Harley-Davidson CEO promising to push through his extreme left-wing agenda, and they went mega-viral. We saw the videos and covered Robby’s work in a recent article.


It looks like the woke DEI disease has claimed yet another victim—this time, it’s the all-American motorcycle company Harley-Davidson. They’ve gone from easy riders to progressive pukes faster than you can say “born to ride,” all thanks to their uber-woke German CEO, Jochen Zeitz. He’s now admitting that he took the job at this legendary American brand in order to turn an iconic symbol into a DEI wasteland. Think Bud Light on wheels…


If you think the German CEO is just trying to score a few “progressive brownie points,” think again. This man is a committed left-wing Marxist, through and through.

Thanks to Robby’s hard work exposing Zeitz’s agenda, Harley-Davidson is now backtracking, promising to scrap their entire “woke” plan. But there’s a big problem: for this promise to mean anything, they need to fire their radical left-wing CEO.

Robby Starbuck:

Another win for our movement. I couldn’t do this without all of you. @harleydavidson just issued this statement where they promise:

• No more DEI functions

• No more supplier diversity spend goals

• They’ll no longer participate in @HRC scoring

• Sponsorship activities are changing and will focus exclusively on motorcycling, first responders, active military and veterans

• No more woke trainings with socially motivated messaging inside of them

Harley-Davidson corporate can be sad all they want but our movement gets results.

If you want to expose the company you work at for woke policies, DM me with evidence or ask for our email address for tips. If you support what we’re doing to bring sanity back to corporate America, subscribe to my X page for $5/month. It helps pay for our researchers and my team. This is only the beginning. Normal people just want sanity back and I’m your megaphone. 🔥🔥

I’ll make a video reacting in full later today.

Here’s a closeup of Harley-Davidson’s statement:

That’s all well and good, and we appreciate what Harley-Davidson is saying, but it’s not enough. For this promise to really stick, they need to replace their far-left CEO, because a man with this type of extreme agenda isn’t going to just reverse course.

Robby Starbuck:

Exposed: The CEO of @harleydavidson says he became the “Taliban” in “a sustainable way” when he became a board member and admits he’s “trying to take on capitalism and redefine it.”

He says that him and his woke friends have “a better way of doing business… that is not just profitable from a financial point of view but also from a social and environmental point of view.”

He sounds like an enemy to traditionalism and capitalism which by proxy make him just plain unfit to lead @harleydavidson. It’s clear to me that his goal is to inject his left wing views into Harley even if it means destroying an American icon. This is unacceptable. He’s tarnishing the reputations of dealers by not doing the right thing. Most dealers do NOT agree with the woke actions taken by corporate.

If you’ve had enough, make your voice heard with one click here:

More quotes from this video:

“Then I became a board member at Harley-Davidson. Now you could ask, what am I doing here? Of course Harley’s all about the sound and the smell of the Harley-Davidson, isn’t it? So I became the Taliban again in a sustainable way. I decided to create a sustainability committee which I’m still chairing today.”

On sustainability: “it’s not just a buzzword out there that means little, you’re translating it into the DNA of what you’re doing in business. And that’s what we’re trying to do with the other initiative which I just co-chaired with Sir Richard Branson, which is called The B Team… In order to really try and redefine the role and purpose of business. So here again, now we are trying to take on traditional capitalism and try to redefine it.”

He says that him and the other globalist executives in the B Team “believe” that they can “collectively” “have a contribution toward a better way of doing business… that is not just profitable from a financial point of view but also from a social and environmental point of view.”

“It’s important that we create new leadership. That we get others to join a new thinking of a more sustainable business, of a better business that is more equitable in every respect. Socially, environmentally and financially.”

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate Robby’s hard work and this incredible victory for our movement, but if they don’t remove that CEO, his plans will just continue to take root in the shadows. Robby Starbuck’s victory is a win for our movement, but until Harley-Davidson replaces their radical CEO, the fight isn’t over.

Let’s hope Robby keeps up the pressure. We’ll be right by his side, supporting him all the way.