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Back in 2020, Michigan was one of the biggest election crime scenes in the nation. A state that had gone for Trump in 2016 suddenly flipped for a senile, career politician without any rhyme or reason. And when questioned about the “late night” votes, what did Michigan officials do? They boarded up the windows so nobody could see them counting ballots in the middle of the night.

So, what do the Democrats do to follow up on that banana republic election? Well, they dive into the deep end with new laws designed to ensure no one can ever question their sketchy elections ever again.

Yes, because nothing says “protect the vote” like ignoring fraud, Gretch.

The New York Post:

Michigan’s process of handling election recounts and fraud allegations has changed, with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signing two controversial bills into law Monday.

Senate bills 603 and 604 modify the requirements for conducting ballot recounts and prosecuting election-related crimes.

“Today, with the signing of our common-sense recount law reforms, we are strengthening our democracy and ensuring that we reach the most accurate count of the ballots possible during a recount process,” said sponsor state Sen. Stephanie Chang, D-Detroit.

“These laws achieve critical goals of protecting the security of every vote, modernizing our recount process, and uplifting the voices of Michigan voters.”

Among other changes, the law will eliminate the board of canvasser’s investigative powers, instead requiring the board to refer any allegations of fraud to the relevant county prosecutor, rather than conducting a recount.

Only alleged errors could merit a recount, and only when the alleged errors could potentially change election results.

It will also increase the deposit for filing a recount petition, modify various guidelines for clerks, and change sentencing guidelines for election law violations.

After what we witnessed in Michigan in 2020, it’s no wonder Big Gretch wants to avoid that type of spectacle again. Her new draconian anti-American laws should do just that. Nothing says “Democrat democracy” like operating shady elections in the shadows. It’s becoming their “brand.”

In addition to this blatant election interference, the Trump-hating lesbian Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel appears to be turning a blind eye to the election fraud happening within the first “all Muslim” city council.

It looks like the bitter, Trump-hating harpies running Michigan into the ground are going all-in on doing whatever it takes to get Kamala, a wildly unpopular candidate who nobody voted for, installed in the White House. However, we can’t just sit by and allow them to steal another election. We must do what we can to stop them, including spreading the truth, getting the vote out, and challenging them on their own turf. That means lawsuits and ballot harvesting, when and where we can. After all, we now know that taking the “high road” and playing by the right and just rules simply won’t work against these cheating Marxists. We either beat them at their own game or we keep losing.