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Mark Halperin, the former political director at ABC News and a journalist and commentator on Newsmax, has some very bad news for Trump-haters. According to Mark, who’s reviewed both public and private polling data, Ms. Harris is in big trouble. We’re talking numbers that are as bad—if not worse—than Joe Biden’s.


“I’m warning those of you who want Trump to lose that by the middle of next month, there’s a real possibility, based on what I’ve seen in terms of public and private data … that Kamala Harris could be where Joe Biden was,” says @MarkHalperin. “Only one electoral college path and not a particularly strong hold on it.” #Trump #Harris

Truthfully, this data shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s paying even the slightest bit of attention. First off, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the most radical progressive duo to ever slither out of the swamp gutter. In addition, Kamala either has no policies or she’s outright stealing Trump’s, which is all for show. Not to mention she’s promising to fix the very inflation she helped create. How can she fix it on “day one” if she hasn’t managed to do so in nearly four years? Also, let’s not forget that her economic ideas are a train wreck, likely to plunge America into the next Great Depression. In a completely bonkers move, Team Harris is chomping at the bit to push through the massive “unrealized gains tax,” and they’re actually on TV arguing for it. Insanity!

What would that tax mean to America? Well, for starters, it would decimate innovation and plunge the US into an even darker, deeper DEI abyss.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: CNBC host Joe Kernen rolls his eyes and laughs after Harris’ economic advisor Bharat Rama tries arguing in favor of Harris’ unrealized capital gains tax.

Rama sat in silence as the hosts poked fun after he tried saying that property tax was an unrealized gains tax.

“It’s probably unconstitutional… it’s not income.”

“And it’s never gonna happen.”

Now, that’s not to say that Kamala and Walz can’t win; they can. They have the power of the entire Democrat machine by them, and we all know they don’t play fair. Tucker Carlson actually sent a dire warning to conservatives that we can’t sit back and think we’ve “got this,” because Kamala and the Dem machine are dangerous.


The disastrous DNC Convention is over. Kamala Harris, the woman who didn’t earn a single primary vote, has accepted the elites’ nomination and is now the official candidate for the 2024 election. Joe Biden has been tossed aside like yesterday’s garbage, and now the most unpopular, unsuccessful VP in U.S. history is carrying the Democrats’ torch. While many of us dismiss Kamala as an unserious clown—which she is—there’s a darker, more sinister side to her, and that makes her a frightening prospect.

Tucker Carlson, always honest and to the point, dissected Kamala’s words and delivered his conclusion: She’s a very scary woman who can win.

What we’re witnessing right now is yet another poorly executed smoke-and-mirrors show, designed to make you think that Ms. Harris and her pudgy sidekick have created a “MAGA-like” political movement based on nothing but skin color. It’s absurd to critically-thinking voters, but as we should all know by now, there are plenty of Americans who have been brainwashed by the regime-run propaganda media and vote based on their “feelings” and their misguided, irrational hatred for President Trump. The good news is, we’ve evaluated the entire election scenario and have come up with a sure-fire way for Trump to win this thing.


After nearly four years, it all comes down to this.

If the 2024 presidential race were a marathon, starting on November 5th, 2020, then it is now just about to enter the last of its 26.2 miles. Donald Trump has already overcome more than any candidate in history to get to this point: He’s overcome systematic deplatforming, a primary challenge from Ron DeSantis, the politically-motivated destruction of the Trump Organization, a sham defamation case, a raid on Mar-a-Lago, four criminal indictments, a felony conviction, and, on top of all that, an assassin’s bullet. After all that, Trump faces only one final challenge: disposing of Kamala Harris and her pet “white dude” from Minnesota.

Many American patriots have let themselves become nervous, depressed, or worked up about this final challenge. They have let themselves be weakened by reports of “Kamalamentum.” Having to look up “brat” on Urban Dictionary has left them feeling behind the curve. With the Democratic convention unfolding this week, odds are that pro-Kamala propaganda and her polling position will reach their absolute peak.

First off, let’s not lose our heads: Every party gets a convention bump. Voting is still a month away, and Election Day is more than two months out.

Here are our takes on what Trump should do to dominate the final mile of the 2024 marathon and win back the White House.

Maximize the Long Interviews

Donald Trump is a man of limitless conversational power. The man can talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and somehow never get boring.

While Trump’s rallies are iconic and his clashes with the press have created countless iconic moments, Trump’s ability to shine in one-on-one conversations is perhaps the least noted and least exploited of his assets. And in this cycle, there are far more opportunities for such extended conversations to be had. One of the biggest differences between 2024 and Trump’s prior two campaigns is that a far wider range of public figures are happy to engage with Trump as an acceptable, normal part of American political life, rather than a monstrous evil who can only be either confronted, silenced, or ignored. That means more celebrities and influencers are ready to give Trump friendly (or at least non-hostile) interviews, where he can make a friendly overture to voters outside the usual GOP orbit.

The Trump interview with mega-influencer Logan Paul is a case in point. The interview would absolutely never have happened in either 2016 or 2020. But now, things have changed immensely, to Trump’s benefit. A massive audience of young people got a close-up look at Trump (possibly for the first time), and the interview showed Trump at his best. And of course, it was a massive success, garnering more than 6 million views on YouTube alone, and who knows how many more from podcasting platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and more.

You can read our entire election playbook by clicking here:

The 75-Day Sprint: The Tactics That Will Win Donald Trump the Election

What’s interesting and very telling is that this latest information from Mark directly contradicts the “political coronation” the media is trying to stage for the most radical campaign in US history. Honestly, if you only watched the mainstream media, you’d think Kamala, the most unpopular VP ever, and Tim Walz, an unknown governor, were taking the country and the world by political storm—all with no successes or winning policies. It’s absurd, and clearly, the American people aren’t buying it.