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Recently, a lively conversation between Roseanne Barr and RFK Jr. lit up the internet. The two discussed the deep state psyop engulfing the country, which has created a massive segment of the population trapped in a “political cult”—a creation of the regime state, reinforced by propaganda from the media, Hollywood, education, and healthcare, among others. It’s an all-out assault on personal freedoms, aiming to establish a highly controlled “single-thinking” utopia. How do you free somebody from that type of death grip? Roseanne and RFK Jr. tackled that very question, and the good news is they offered a solution to break the conditioning. This is a must-watch for every conservative who wants to take back their country.

What Roseanne and RFK Jr. revealed is a blueprint for navigating both the real and virtual worlds. If you encounter someone under the psyop spell, don’t argue or fight—just start asking questions to get them thinking again, because that’s what’s missing right now: critical thinking. Meanwhile, the growing unity we’re seeing sends its own message of hope to the masses.

And on that note, yet another popular Democrat has endorsed President Trump.

This type of unity is amazing to see and exactly what we need to start breaking through the psyop. Watching old-school Democrats and Trump Republicans come together to Make America Great Again is a sure sign we’re heading in the right direction. However, let’s be clear: there is no part of the Democrat platform that can mesh with the America First agenda.

It’s time to fully embrace the populist, America-centered agenda that uplifts the working class and leaves the elites where they belong—dangling alone in their gilded cages.

Those on the left will look at this unity and claim they have the same exact thing happening on their side with RINOs like Adam Kinzinger and the perverts at the Lincoln Project.

Collin Rugg:

JUST IN: Adam Kinzinger says the Republican party is no longer conservative before unleashing personal attacks on Trump.

Trump truly broke this man. Wow.

“The Republican party is no longer conservative. It has switched its allegiance from the principles that gave it purpose to a man whose only purpose is himself.”

However, it’s very different.

There’s no comparing the political sway and power of someone like Adam Kinzinger, who suffers from a raging case of Stage 5 TDS, to a politician like RFK Jr., who hails from the Kennedy family and has a base of followers that threatened to upend the 2024 election for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Adam Kinzinger is known for crying and possibly being gay, which makes sense why he joined the Democrats. RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard are known for being free-thinkers who want to upend Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government, appealing to many voters who share those goals. They bring the power of voters, while Kinzinger brings the power of crocodile tears and Grindr.