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The softball CNN interview was a total disaster for Team Harris/Walz. Firstly, Kamala had to drag along her pudgy emotional support pet, Tampon Tim, because she was clearly unable to handle the interview on her own.


There’s been mounting pressure on Kamala Harris to stop hiding from the media and finally sit down for an interview. After much coaxing, DEI Harris has agreed to a chat with Dem-friendly CNN, but there’s a catch—she’s not going solo. Harris is bringing along her emotional support pet for backup.

And no, sadly, this isn’t a joke. Harris needs a white guy to do the heavy lifting. What’s even scarier? She’s so out of her depth that she actually considers Walz one of the “smart ones,” which is really scary.

Sean Davis, editor of The Federalist, believes this move is disqualifying and shows that Harris is such an unqualified DEI disaster that she has to drag the old white guy along just to get through the interview. This isn’t “presidential” material—it’s not even VP material. Once again, Harris was handed a position she didn’t deserve.

The story of her life.

Sean is right; this move should disqualify her. But sadly, nowadays in the US, promoting DEI Dem candidates is the trendy rage that’s destroying this country from within.

The truth is, the so-called “strong black woman” needed a chubby white guy to hold her hand—not a great look. But the plan backfired. The bad news for Ms. Harris is that she couldn’t handle the interview even with Tim there. One particularly defining moment was when Harris was asked about her biggest and most dangerous and damning lie yet—the coverup of Joe Biden’s illness. Ms. Harris has landed herself in a massive political pickle, thanks to her past “glowing” comments about Biden’s cognitive abilities. It’s now painfully clear that she lied to the American people to help cover up his illness. Now, as she doubles down on her dishonesty, Team Kamala finds itself in an even bigger mess.

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During the disastrous CNN interview, Ms. Harris claims to have no regrets about covering up Joe’s disastrous mental state—a coverup that ultimately led to him being tossed aside like yesterday’s garbage and Ms. Harris being installed without earning a single primary vote.

That’s what Dems call “democracy,” apparently.

As we mentioned earlier, Harris’s biggest problem stems from her past praise for Joe and the job he was supposedly doing when it was clear to everyone that he was floundering, very ill, and totally incapable of doing his job. Ms. Harris not only cheered him on but also blatantly lied to the American people, pretending he was perfectly fine and capable of performing his duties. To make matters worse, she had the audacity to claim she wasn’t lying—while blatantly doing just that. It’s unforgivable. The American people deserve better.

We now know that was a blatant, shameless, and horrific lie. If Ms. Harris will lie about that, what else will she lie about? Unfortunately, the answer is nearly everything.

As we mentioned earlier, Kamala, like her sidekick Tampon Tim, just can’t seem to tell the truth.

RELATED: Harris brags about her ‘humble’ beginnings, but Jesse Watters pulls out a birth certificate that ruins her day…

Pathological liars are all too common in the political world, but they can’t be trusted. You simply can’t rely on people who habitually lie—they aren’t promoting an America-focused agenda. Ms. Harris struggles with the truth because she’s a product—a creation—of much smarter and more powerful people who want to install her, just like Joe, to do their bidding. She’s an empty suit with no convictions or passions, so her words are meaningless and shift with whichever way the wind blows.