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So much scandal and mystery are swirling around one very small country in Eastern Europe—a country deeply entangled with the crooked Biden family, the impeachment of President Trump, a likely money laundering scheme, and the very real threat of WWIII. And yes, we’re talking about Ukraine. The regime is deeply tied to Ukraine. Biden’s family has a notorious history of shady dealings with this corrupt country, and many greasy uniparty US politicians also have connections there. It’s sketchy beyond belief. Billions in US tax dollars being funneled to Ukraine aren’t tracked, potentially funding lavish lifestyles for Ukrainian leaders and possibly even flowing back to US elites and into left-wing election coffers. We have no way of knowing. And it’s clear that Biden and Harris are all too ready to unleash WWIII on behalf of this small, corrupt country that, frankly, has no impact on us whatsoever.

One of the defining moments of this unholy alliance with Ukraine came when the Nord Stream pipeline, shared between Russia and Germany, was sabotaged and blown up. The US and Ukraine were quick to point the finger at Russia, claiming they blew up their own pipeline to escalate the conflict with Ukraine.

That goofy theory didn’t pass the smell test for many; there was no proof that Russia had anything to do with the explosion.


Nearly six months on from the subsea gas pipeline explosions, which sent geopolitical shockwaves around the world in September, there is still no conclusive answer to the question of who blew up Nord Stream.

Some were quick to place the blame squarely at Russia’s door — citing its record of hybrid warfare and a possible motive of intimidation, in the midst of a bitter economic war with Europe over gas supply.

But half a year has passed without any firm evidence for this — or any other explanation — being produced by the ongoing investigations of authorities in three European countries.

Since the day of the attack, four states — Russia, the U.S., Ukraine and the U.K. — have been publicly blamed for the explosions, with varying degrees of evidence.

Still, some things are known for sure.

As was widely assumed within hours of the blast, the explosions were an act of deliberate sabotage. One of the three investigations, led by Sweden’s Prosecution Authority, confirmed in November that residues of explosives and several “foreign objects” were found at the “crime scene” on the seabed, around 100 meters below the surface of the Baltic Sea, close to the Danish Island of Bornholm.

However, it now seems we know who was behind the sabotage, and it’s far clearer than the “Russia hoax” theory. It appears that Ukraine was likely the one who blew up the pipeline, aiming to escalate the conflict and drag the US deeper into the fray. Was the US also in on it? That question is next on the list. In the meantime, German officials have even issued an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian diver in connection with the explosion, likely proving that Ukraine is one of our most dangerous foreign enemies.

Mario Nawfal:


Germany has issued a European arrest warrant against a Ukrainian diving instructor who allegedly was part of a team that blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

German investigators believe that the man, last known to have lived in Poland, was one of the divers who planted explosive devices on pipelines running from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea in September 2022.

The German prosecutor general’s office declined to comment on the report, which said that Germany had asked Poland in June to arrest the man.

Source: The Guardian

However, this story gets goofier by the minute. The Germans allege that a group of wealthy Ukrainians rented a yacht and pulled this off independently, without any guidance or instruction from their government. If you believe that, we’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

Proud Army Brat:

Germany issued an arrest warrant for a diver (Ukrainian national) that allegedly blew up the Nordstream Pipeline, but went on to reiterate that they would still be ‘supportive’ of ukraine.

We’re supposed to believe a group of private businessmen got drunk, rented a yacht, then planted explosives. Zelensky approved it, then tried calling it off, but it was too late.

Here’s an easier version:

– A secret operation was underway for 9 months, which involved a select few of our divers and a covert plan to blow it.

– CIA Station Chief signed off on it, which is why our Geospacial Intel Agency neglected to observe it. (They see everything)

Honestly, the absurd “Russia theory” made more sense than this. But regardless, clearly, Ukraine was directly involved. The biggest question now is: who gave this group the instructions to do it? Many believe the answer is obvious.

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Speaking of Germany, many years ago, President Trump tried to warn them about their impending energy issues. Did they listen? No, of course not. Instead, they laughed at him. However, they’re probably not laughing now.

If that diver was involved, many suspect he was part of a larger scheme, potentially involving the US government. Another prevailing theory is that this poor guy is just a patsy, used to divert attention from the real bad guys. Either way, this new information underscores just how dangerous the Ukraine-US alliance is. We are saddled up with a corrupt country that’s ready to carry out the regime’s most sinister bidding without blinking an eye, making Ukraine the most dangerous threat to the American people.