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The media is up to its usual propaganda tricks, painting every move by Team Trump as a colossal “failure” while hailing two of the most unpopular, radical extremists as the new political power couple who are taking the country by storm. However, this classic regime-run media move is backfiring spectacularly.

Take JD Vance’s interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, for example. The left and their media puppets claim JD “humiliated” himself and failed miserably. That’s the narrative they want you to believe. But if you actually watch the interview, the reality is the exact opposite. JD not only wiped the floor with Kamala Harris, but he also pulled a classic “Art of the Steal” rope-a-dope on an unsuspecting Dana Bash. It was quite a spectacle to behold.

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Vance called out Bash for her relentless questioning about comments he made three years ago, all while completely ignoring the fact the fact that Kamala Harris has refused to even sit down for an interview. He also reminded a flustered Dana Bash that Kamala’s failed policies have led to an open border, despite her big, important Border Czar title.

Don Jr. was absolutely thrilled with the interview and shared it on X.

JD Vance also called out Kamala Harris for being a big phony. And he’s right. Kamala is not running a serious presidential campaign; she’s part of yet another smoke and mirrors PR blitz.

Actually, very recently, we published a provocative piece on Kamala’s vapid, substance-free campaign and how to beat her at her own game.


It’s quite possible that no presidential challenger in living memory had a better month than Donald Trump had from June 27 to the end of the Republican National Convention. First, Donald Trump showed up at CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta for a presidential debate, only to find himself beating up on a sad old man with a vacant stare on his face. Then, he was treated to weeks of Democrat infighting as they struggled to push out their supposed party leader and fought amongst themselves over who would replace him.

Oh, and he survived an assassination attempt, saved by a timely tilt of the head and (just maybe) the hand of God. Trump’s nigh-miraculous survival wasn’t just good fortune, and it didn’t just give him sympathy and support. It actually gave direct proof of what a great man he is. Placed in dire physical danger, Trump rose to the challenge, refusing to panic and refusing to cower behind his bodyguards. Put to a test that almost no American leaders ever are—the test of being in immediate physical danger—Trump showed true heroism and true leadership.

The Trump-Biden race was headed for a landslide outcome. Forget 270 electoral votes, or even 300. With Old Joe’s mumbling husk still in the race, winning 350 electoral votes was a very real possibility come November.

It’s tough to say goodbye to that possible future because it was a beautiful one.

But hey, no great victory was ever easy.

A few days after the Republican convention came to an end, Democrats finally did what they’d seemed incapable of all year: they took a difficult, decisive step and did so quickly. Within 24 hours of Joe Biden announcing he would not stand for reelection, the party had unanimously pivoted behind Kamala Harris as its new champion.

For many American nationalists, the quick pivot to Kamala was a welcome surprise. A common fear was that Democrats would swap in an entirely new figure like Michelle Obama, letting them cut bait on the unpopular Biden administration and install someone with far better poll numbers. To many, the party’s decision to stick with the least popular VP on record is a stroke of good fortune.

But we must reluctantly pour some cold water on that notion.

Kamala Harris’s arrival has transformed the 2024 election into a toss-up. Forget all talk of a landslide. Kamala has a very real chance of winning the November election by running the most shapeless, messageless, and incomprehensible campaign in American history.

Sound ridiculous? It’s not. As of this writing, in fact, Kamala has pulled slightly ahead of Trump in PredictIt’s election betting market.

This is a must-read for everyone. We can’t sit back and relax because Kamala is a radical, word-salad queen that nobody takes seriously. With the full power of the Democrat machine behind her, they will stop at nothing to get her installed in the White House.

After all, they’re already reusing the “basement” campaign playbook from 2020, hiding Kamala and Tampon Tim away from the media.

You can read our entire article by clicking below:

Kamala Harris’ Substance-Free Campaign Is an Unprecedented Challenge. Here’s the Key to Beating It.

And nobody knows the games the Dems are playing better than JD Vance. So yes, he nuked Kamala, but he also landed a perfectly executed right hook on Tampon Tim as well.

This interview was masterclass stuff. Well done, JD.