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President Trump has announced his VP pick, and it’s a Revolver favorite, Senator J.D. Vance.

Here’s the statement President Trump posted on Truth Social:


We’ve been long-time supporters of Vance and even wrote a compelling piece on why Senator Vance was the only logical choice for President Trump.


Many expect Trump to choose a woman, a black, or a Hispanic to be his running mate, operating on the thesis that Trump just needs more diversity points to get over the hump next fall.

We will, of course, support President Trump, no matter his choice. We want Trump to win in 2024, and we want his political revolution to win in the annals of history. Making the right call for vice president is crucial to both of those desires. And in Revolver’s view, simply picking a “diverse” candidate is not the way to go. Instead, the answer is clear: Among the names still being considered for the role of Donald Trump’s running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance leads the pack.

With any vice presidential choice, there are two primary factors to consider. First, does the choice boost the presidential ticket’s chances of winning? Second, would the choice be desirable as an actual U.S. president, acting as the successor to the president who came before?

Many of the popular vice presidential choices fulfill neither of these criteria (who votes Trump because Kristi Noem is on the ticket?). Some fulfill one. Vance fulfills both.

How? Allow us to explain.

Vance Emphasizes Trump’s Strengths

To begin, let’s take a step back to 2016. While everyone is obviously fed up with Mike Pence today, back in 2016, he was a brilliant strategic choice by Trump for a running mate. As a total political neophyte, Trump needed an experienced colleague to reassure voters that while he was bringing change, he wasn’t bringing sheer chaos. Pence, a former representative and sitting governor, provided that. Trump also needed a running mate who would reassure the Republican base that they weren’t being tricked into backing a “fake Republican.” Finally, and most importantly, Trump also needed a running mate who filled those two roles but who also wouldn’t melt down and abandon the ticket over a fake scandal like the Access Hollywood tape. Pence capably filled that role; in 2016, he was the right man for the spot. In fact, in the landscape of 2016, Pence was one of the only choices who could get Trump over the hump to victory.

But 2024 is a very different race at a very different time, and that calls for a very different kind of vice presidential pick. In 2016, the VP choice needed to bolster a potential vulnerability. In 2024, Trump should choose a running mate who emphasizes his strengths.

What are those strengths?

  • Trump has overwhelming anti-establishment credibility. He is hated by the right people.
  • Trump has a reflexive hatred of America’s “political bullshit.” He doesn’t fall for or repeat D.C.-concocted scams like “Ukraine is central to American security” or “Illegal immigrants do the jobs Americans won’t do.” This gives Trump an unbeatable reputation as a tells-it-like-it-is straight talker.
  • Unapologetic America-first nationalism. Doesn’t pretend the rest of the world’s people are just like Americans, except when they’re better.
  • Trump has an intuitive ability to speak to the concerns and priorities of the “forgotten man” in middle America.
  • Trump was obviously better at the job than the sitting incumbent.

It’s possible that Trump will spend weeks of peak campaign season in a courtroom in Florida, New York, Fulton County, or Washington, D.C. It’s even possible that, after a politically motivated conviction, an equally politically motivated judge orders Trump imprisoned pending his appeal. It is entirely within the realm of possibility that Donald Trump will spend a portion of next fall or even Election Night itself behind bars. Far more than in 2016 or 2020, President Trump should have a partner who can speak powerfully to the same core issues that made him such a dynamic political force from the moment he descended the Trump Tower escalator in 2015.

Who does that the best? Clearly, Vance.

We’re very happy to see President Trump agreed with us.


Former President Donald Trump has selected Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance as his running mate, elevating a staunch ally and young GOP star who, less than a decade ago, rose to prominence as a Trump critic.

Vance, 39, hails from the Senate GOP’s Trump wing, frequently — and loudly — battling with leadership and Democrats while finding bipartisan common ground on some issues. By selecting Vance, Trump eschewed calls from some in the party to choose a running mate who would add racial diversity to the ticket or use softer rhetoric to appeal to Trump-skeptical moderates.

Vance could expand Trump’s appeal in other ways, however. He hails from the Rust Belt, which includes portions of the critical swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. He’s also a Marine veteran, and would be the second youngest vice president — tied with Richard Nixon — if Trump wins in November.

Congratulations, Senator Vance. We know you’ll work hard alongside President Trump to make America great again.