Biden is more of a “Sloppy Joe” than a “Sleepy Joe” these days. The regime’s attempts to calm everyone’s nerves and parade out a strong, confident Joe Biden have spectacularly backfired…again. When Joe appeared on camera, he looked like a bizarre, orange-colored, glitching AI version of himself—downright awful, and he didn’t sound much better.

If it wasn’t clear before, it’s undeniable now—something very serious has happened to Joe Biden, who is plastered with what appears to be bruises and 10 pounds of stage makeup.

His family should be ashamed for dragging this old fool through such a circus.

“Something happened”:

Trump couldn’t believe it:

The burning question now is, does Joe Biden even realize he’s stepped down from the 2024 campaign? After this horrific escapade, it’s hard not to question what this man can and cannot comprehend. This is a tragedy for America. We’re suffering because of the regime’s manipulation and the Biden family’s greed and selfishness.