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Kamala Harris is on the move. She’s like a shark that smells blood, circling Joe with her eye on the prize. And ignore the “smooth” and phony denials; you can bet that Team Kamala is quietly pushing to take the top spot.

The day after Joe Biden bombed at the debate, Rolling Stone published their fluffy designer expose on her, almost as if they were “reintroducing” Kamala Harris to the American people. The timing couldn’t have been more suspicious.

Here’s a closeup of the images:

It’s no shock that Kamala’s making her move. The bad blood between Team Biden and Camp Kamala is an open secret. They barely hide their dislike for each other, and it’s always been obvious to everyone.

The buzz is that Jill Biden hasn’t gotten over Kamala’s jab at Joe during their first debate.


Jill Biden says California Sen. Kamala Harris implied her husband Joe Biden is racist with her attack on the former vice president during the first Democratic presidential debate.

In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo airing on Monday, Jill Biden called Harris’ criticism of Biden over race and segregation “the biggest surprise” to her in the party’s 2020 race so far – but said voters “didn’t buy it.”

Her comments come as Biden and Harris battle to win over black voters, a crucial constituency in the Democratic nominating contest. Biden has pointed to his time as former President Barack Obama’s vice president as well as his own legacy on civil rights to defend himself, while Harris has taken aim at elements of Biden’s earlier career in the Senate.

In the late-June debate, Harris criticized Biden’s comments at a private fundraiser earlier in the month about the “civility” of the Senate during an era in which he worked with segregationists in the chamber. She also lambasted his early-career opposition to federally mandated busing.

“I think that they were looking at the past. I mean, the one thing you cannot say about Joe is that he’s a racist. I mean, he got into politics because of his commitment to civil rights. And then to be elected with Barack Obama, and then someone is saying, you know, you’re a racist?” she said.

Cuomo responded that Harris had begun her criticism of Biden by saying she does not believe he is racist.

“I know, but as soon as I heard those words, I thought, ‘uh oh, what’s coming next,’” Jill Biden said.

She added: “The American people know Joe Biden. They know his values. They know what he stands for. And they didn’t buy it.”

Rumor has it that Jill Biden told Kamala to go f**k herself after that crack.

Jill wasn’t thrilled about Kamala being the “chosen one” either. Joe had already cornered himself by promising a VP pick that ticked the diversity box, and Kamala was just the right fit. Plus, many think she was chosen because she wouldn’t overshadow Joe, dementia rumors and all. Kamala was basically the backup “insurance plan” against impeachment or the 25th Amendment—until that debate shook things up. Now, it looks like the game could change.

One of the most powerful Democrats in the swamp just threw his support behind the “possibility” of President Kamala. Remember, Clyburn is the guy who shifted the entire Democrat primary and basically handed it to Biden with his endorsement. After initially claiming Biden should stay in the race post-debate, Clyburn’s changing his tune a bit. This speaks volumes and lends a lot of credibility to the whispers about a secret “Kamala push.”

Many speculated that Dems might push Joe aside for someone like Gavin Newsom. Yet, if they do decide to switch, sidelining a female POC for an uber-rich white guy would be a tough sell, to say the least, since according to the Democrat ideology, there’s nothing worse than being rich, white, and penis-having.

Furthermore, Clyburn isn’t the only one flipping sides to support the “possibility” of Kamala. The list is growing and features some significant political heavy hitters. It’s clear there’s some kind of momentum building behind her. Where it will go is anybody’s guess.

Chad Gilmartin:

👀 Biden losing Democrat support on Capitol Hill:

@SpeakerPelosi: “I think it’s a legitimate question to say, is this an episode, or is this a condition?”

@RepJamesClyburn: ”We should do everything we can to bolster [Kamala Harris], whether it’s in second place or the top of the ticket.”

@RepLloydDoggett: Biden should drop out

@RepGolden: Trump will beat Biden

@RepMGP: Trump will beat Biden

The mainstream media, who also smell blood in the water and are desperate to regain a shred of credibility, have also jumped on the Kamala narrative.


Vice President Kamala Harris is the top alternative to replace U.S. President Joe Biden if he decides not to continue his reelection campaign, according to seven senior sources at the Biden campaign, the White House and the Democratic National Committee with knowledge of current discussions on the topic.

Biden’s fumbling, sometimes-incoherent and widely-panned first-debate performance against Republican rival Donald Trump last week set off a wave of panic within the Democratic party over concerns that he may not be fit enough to serve a second term, and prompted calls for top aides to resign.

Although not everyone’s sold on Kamala, there’s idiotic chatter among some Dems about trying a “speed dating” style primary. That’s not going to happen, and it’s fanciful wishful thinking since Joe Biden has locked down 4,000 pledged delegates. Don’t expect any drama at the convention.

As for all the talk about Biden stepping down? It’s just talk. We’ve already reported that Joe is staying put.


This is a crucial, rarely-stated component of everything that makes replacing Biden so hard. If Kamala were a natural heir apparent, or at least a natural politician, she might be able to rally Biden’s cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment against him. But instead, there’s no shot at that; the Cabinet probably hates her just as much as you do.

There Is Nobody Anti-Biden in Control

The very loud yelping from TV talking heads and D.C.-based columnists might make you think there is an overwhelming tide of Democrats standing up to insist Biden step aside.

But think to yourself: Have any actual lawmakers demanded that Biden leave? Has any Democrat with power come out to say that Biden’s delegates should pick them instead at the forthcoming DNC? Have there been any public defections from the group surrounding Biden in the White House itself?

Nope. It hasn’t happened. And it almost certainly will not, for several reasons.

First, there is the natural collective action problem. There is a big risk to being the first prominent Democrat to call for Biden to step aside. If Biden stays in the race and wins, they will be frozen out of the Democrat inner circle as traitors. If Biden stays in the race and loses, they might be blamed for stoking party division and chaos and handing the race to Trump. If Biden is forced out and the replacement subsequently loses, they face the same problem. This makes launching a first strike extremely politically dangerous.

But second, for a great many Democrats, taking down Joe Biden is essentially taking down themselves. As we explained last March, many of the most powerful people in the Democrat apparatus, including the only people capable of forcing him aside, owe their very prominence to Biden’s patronage.

You can read the entire, in-depth piece here:

Don’t Be Fooled: Joe Isn’t Stepping Down

CNN is touting that something “big” may be happening today between Team Biden and Camp Kamala. There’s a meeting taking place, so the theories are flying fast and furious.

Are the “Great Replacement” rumors gaining ground? For the first time, they’re running ads featuring only Kamala asking for money. This is a notable shift from their previous strategies, where Kamala was hidden away in a metaphorical “basement.”

But theories and hoopla aside, in the end, will Kamala’s big push work? Truthfully, it probably won’t. Again, this all hinges on Joe Biden stepping down, and it doesn’t look like he or Jill are anywhere close to that. But it’s going to be interesting to watch this all unfold because, let’s be honest, this might just be the complete and total implosion of the Democrat Party. All of their disastrous policies, rigged elections, and anti-American lawfare are coming back to haunt them. They’re in complete disarray just a few months before the presidential election. But don’t relax just yet—never count the Dems out. Nothing is off the table, and like a cornered animal, they could do anything. Stay alert and stay tuned.