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Well, in what can only be called the most insulting move any campaign can make, Team Kamala has made it clear that they believe American swing voters are a bunch of sexist, racist dullards. That’s right, it turns out that Team Kamala, who wasn’t chosen by the people—not during the 2020 primary, and certainly not during the 2024 primary—is now huddled together, scrambling to pick a VP. You’d think they’d opt for a black woman, right? After all, that’s usually their go-to move. However, the stakes must be too high this time around. This time around, they are sidestepping the usual DEI move and instead hunting for actual “votes.” And in order to get as many votes as possible, Team Harris is setting their sights on a white guy for the Veep spot, apparently because they believe swing voters are not just KKK material but women-haters to boot!

Byron York:

A glimpse of how the Harris campaign sees the voters. VP choice is focusing on several white male candidates. Source ‘familiar with the campaign’s thinking’ says: ‘Let’s just face it. There’s a lot of sexist, racist white dudes out there in America who don’t like Trump, but just need a little extra validation.’

Here’s a closeup of the image Bryon shared:


The media is working overtime to hype Kamala Harris. It’s a tough row to hoe (no pun intended), and although they’ve made a little progress here and there, it’s nowhere near what they need at this late stage.

It’s going to be next to impossible for Harris, a wildly unpopular political figure, to compete with this type of real momentum.

But that never stopped the Dems; they’ll manufacture whatever they need to “win.” That’s why we can’t just dismiss Kamala as a cackling buffon. She has a powerful machine, determined to win at any cost, behind her.

However, the truth is this: they’re dealing with a dud, and their only hope is that enough mail-in ballots can boost her to 91 million votes.

Kamala Harris is in her ‘honeymoon’ period, enjoying the kind of press and PR you’d expect from a new Star Wars movie. But just like those movies, the hype quickly dies down once the reviews roll in—and she’s barely scraping 30 percent approval.

So, Team Kamala is trying to generate some energy and confidence. But could it be something else all together? Could Harris pick a white guy as her VP to advance the left’s agenda of demoting men while giving feminist extremists a twisted thrill? What’s more subservient than a white guy taking orders from a minority female? Maybe that’s the plan. Or maybe they just want someone who seems strong and smart to make voting for Kamala seem a bit better. Either way, it’s all about skin color, not who’s best for the job. And that’s the real issue with the left—they’re all about DEI, not real skills, and it’s tearing the country apart and destroying the fundamental principles of “American excellence,” and sadly, that’s their goal.