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Disgraced Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was ordered to appear before Congress to explain to the American people why her ineptitude and poor decision-making led to a Trump supporter being brutally murdered on live TV and nearly resulted in President Trump’s shocking death.

It’s hard to watch a video clip like this, clearly showing such a deadly failure at the Secret Service, and realize Kimberly Cheatle is still employed. No one in Biden’s clownish regime ever faces the music.

It’s crucial that we understand exactly what happened, and Congress must thoroughly investigate this matter. This time, however, the GOP needs to make sure that heads roll. Rep. Mace didn’t hold back in her questioning of the disgraced DEI director, and she said out loud what most of us are thinking.

Mace is right to suggest Cheatle is “full of it,” given that Kimberly couldn’t keep her story straight.” Rep. Luna further exposed Cheatle as a failure and a disgrace.

Either the Secret Service was part of a bigger plot to assassinate President Trump, or thanks to DEI, they’ve become the most inept “Keystone Cop” operation on the planet.

Prior to being appointed as USSS director, Kimberly Cheatle, as head of security for Pepsi where her focus on DEI hiring and promotion was repeated rewarded. Cheatle filled Trump’s campaign security detail with newly minted DEI hires and according to the campaign repeatedly refused add additional experienced agents to his detail. If Cheatle had authorized a second counter sniper team they would have been on the building where the sniper was located preventing the attack on Trump and the loss of life of his supporters.

Which one is it?

Ivory Hecker:

Congress grills Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle. Rep. Cloud: “It’s troubling for a lot of us that the number one question everyone in America is wondering is: Why was the roof left open? And after nine days, we should at least have a little bit of that information, and when you come to this committee hearing, and you don’t have anything to say about that, it’s very very troubling.”

Jim Jordan got Cheatle to admit that she weakened Trump’s security detail before he was shot. It’s time to #LockHerUp.

The calls for Cheatle to resign are growing louder by the minute. It’s truly embarrassing that someone as inept and stupid as she still has a job.


Rep. Pat Fallon suggested Kimberly Cheatle go back to working at Pepsico and protect snack chips.

Many believe the congressional grilling wasn’t enough, and Kimberly Cheatle got off way too easy. As Federalist editor Sean Davis suggested, these are the types of questions she should have been asked:

If Kim Cheatle is going to give Congress the middle finger after she deliberately and with malice allowed Trump to be shot in the head, then Congress needs to return the favor:

“Ms. Cheatle: When did you first personally communicate with the assassin?”

“What communications or apps did you use to communicate with the assassin?”

“Was leaving the rooftop open and unsecured the assassin’s idea, or did you suggest it to him?”

“When did Mayorkas give you the order to starve Trump of security so an assassin could take you out?”

“Did Joe Biden congratulate you at any point for allowing the assassination attempt to happen, or were you scolded because the assassin missed?”

“Did you cry when you first learned that Trump survived?”

The problem with the GOP is that they ask tough questions and really turn up the heat when the cameras are on. They fight like hell for those fiery soundbites, but when it comes to actually holding people accountable, they suddenly go very quiet. Let’s hope they realize that this approach won’t cut it anymore, especially not with this issue. They tried to take down President Trump, and consequences must follow—heads must roll, starting with Kimberly’s.