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We all remember what Big Tech did back in 2020, when they banded together to pull off one of the most egregious cases of election interference by burying the explosive news about Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell. Just think: How many people might have rethought their vote for Joe Biden if they knew he and his cohorts were lying and purposely dismissing a laptop filled with porn, drugs, and guns as just some “Russian disinformation” plot? No, the real story was that the cover-up of Hunter’s laptop was a US disinformation campaign—and it worked. Now, Big Tech is at it again, trying to suppress any discussion of the assassination attempt against President Trump that, ironically, made him an even bigger political icon. Senator Ted Cruz was among the first to call out this new interference, revealing how Google has altered search results to exclude any mention of the assassination attempt against President Trump.

Here’s a closeup of the image:


Sadly, it’s not surprising that Big Tech is up to their old tricks again—suppressing stories that don’t align with their left-wing politics. That’s just who they are: gatekeepers who think hiding anything they disagree with is their way of saving their precious “democracy.” What’s truly infuriating is how much power we’ve allowed them to accumulate. They wield their influence unchecked, shaping public perception and swaying elections under the guise of protecting democratic values. It’s a shame Elon Musk can’t buy Google as well; maybe then we’d see a shift in this dangerous dynamic.

Ted Cruz wasn’t the only one to spot this election interference. President Trump’s eldest son, Don Jr., is also sounding the alarm about this latest attempt by Big Tech to interfere in the election.

New York Post:

A key Google feature is failing to show results for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump — drawing claims from the former president’s son that Big Tech companies are trying to influence the election.

It has also sparked a Senate investigation.

Google users were surprised to discover that the search engine’s “Autocomplete” was apparently omitting suggested results related to the assassination attempt against Donald Trump.

The anomaly quickly caught the attention of social media users, including a Texas congressman and Donald Trump Jr., who began sharing screenshots of their own examples showing Google search suggestions coming up empty for queries about the deadly Pennsylvania rally shooting.

There’s no mention of Trump even when the entire search term “the assassination attempt of” is typed into the Google homepage search bar.

And if you’re wondering why Google is doing this, it’s because that photo of President Trump will go down in history as one of the most iconic images ever captured on film. It portrays a bloody President Trump as America’s greatest hero, surviving an assassination attempt and raising his fist in defiance. This type of heroic image is exactly what the Democrats and the media didn’t want Americans to see. They were probably hoping we’d be looking at autopsy photos, not an iconic, defiant image. Even the anti-Trumpers over at the Daily Beast recognize how significant this image is—and will be—to US history.

Daily Beast:

I don’t care what you think of his politics—former President Donald Trump just struck one of the most iconic poses in U.S. history.

His fist-raised salute of defiance is surely enough to win him re-election to the White House. Especially if the American people have to choose between a doddering incumbent and the man who got to his feet seconds after an assassination attempt and punched the air with blood trickling down his face.

It’s impossible to be sure what he was shouting at this stage but it looked like “Fight! Fight! Fight!” At a time when the Democratic Party barely has any fight left, the contrast is astounding.

Make no mistake, the image of a bloodstained Trump standing with one arm aloft instantly takes its place alongside the greatest photos in American history.

As a matter of fact, photo editors from major news organizations are losing sleep over that photo, claiming it’s “free PR” for Team Trump and could be used as propaganda. So, they’re trying to bury it. It’s ironic, isn’t it? The media is actively burying actual news because they think it’ll help Trump, who nearly died at the hands of a left-wing assassin. In case you hadn’t realized it, our media is pure garbage.

Yahoo News:

A photo editor at major news outlet said media outlets should scale back on running the iconic image of former President Donald Trump pumping his fist after surviving an assassination attempt, calling it “free PR” for his reelection bid, according to a report

The unnamed journalist believes the historic photo — showing a bloodied Trump back on his feet moments after a bullet pierced his ear during a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday — could be a form of “photoganda” that could “further their agenda, despite the photographers’ intent of capturing a news event,” Axios reported.

Several photos snapped by Evan Vucci of the Associated Press, Anna Moneymaker of Getty and Doug Mills of the New York Times have gone viral.

This likely explains why Google is also burying the “assassination story.” It’s part of a larger media effort to downplay the incident involving President Trump and sideline that mega-iconic image. Once again, left-wing Big Tech and mainstream media are leveraging their power, influence, and resources to sway the outcome of a national election.

Ted Cruz is now labeling Google as the worst “bad actor” of the bunch and an enemy of democracy and truth. And he’s right. These are the real villains.

We simply can’t let this happen again. If we don’t rein in Big Tech, we’re headed for a repeat of 2020.