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Kamala Harris represents the most dangerous kind of politician. At her core, she’s a Marxist tyrant and a radical left-wing activist. Yet, when the spotlight hits her, she sheds her skin like a snake, adopting the guise of a semi-centrist. But we all know that’s just an act. Once in power, Kamala will rip off her semi-centrist mask and reveal her true identity—Kamala Jong Un. Her track record is a disaster. This is the woman who championed the wildly dangerous and unpopular “Defund the Police” movement and supported a soft-on-crime bail fund that put violent George Floyd rioters, murderers, and sex offenders back on the streets. She’s also the same easily duped politician who bought into Jussie Smollett’s absurd “MAGA COUNTRY” story. Kamala is a classic “finger in the wind” politician, always chasing the popular trend of the moment. Once it loses relevance, she sheds that snake-like skin and transforms into whatever the regime needs next. She’s not a real person; she’s a creation, and that is terrifying for every single American.

RELATED: Kamala Harris Is Hiding Something Big Involving January 6, Pipe Bombs, and the Secret Service

Here’s a closeup of the images:



Clearly, Kamala is burdened by past failed policies, and the media will help unburden her. However, we won’t.


Could this be the final nail in Kamala’s 2024 coffin? Newly uncovered footage of Kamala Harris has surfaced, and it’s as damning as it gets. She’s caught on camera supporting the highly unpopular “Defund the Police” movement, which the left tried to launch unsuccessfully after the deadly and destructive George Floyd riots. It was so unpopular with Americans that, much like the “border czar” disaster, they tried to pretend it never happened—but it did, and we’ve got the video to prove it.

But it’s not just Kamala’s soft-on-crime stance and border invasion policies that are worrisome. Her political ties with Big Tech also raise major concerns, as Revolver highlighted following the Microsoft blue-screen disaster of 2024. This is a woman who is owned, lock, stock, and barrel by the extremists within her party.


Given Microsoft’s political leanings and foray into AI and other censorship technologies, we have grave cause for concern. At the very least, Microsoft’s track record on free speech and cybersecurity should compel us to re-evaluate if they really deserve to be the default system installed on nearly every government computer. If Trump defeats Kamala and enjoys a second term in the White House, there is no reason that White House computers should be infected with the woke virus courtesy of Microsoft’s partnership with Newsguard. Given her cozy relationship with Microsoft, Kamala’s election would likely spell the blue screen of death for free speech in America. Unless, of course, Microsoft’s notorious commitment to DEI policies results in them being too incompetent to censor effectively.

You can read this in-depth piece by clicking here:

After CrowdStrike Computer Catastrophe, Will Kamala-Microsoft Alliance Inflict Blue Screen of Death on Free Speech?

And if you’re curious about what Kamala did while in the Senate, that’s another disturbing eye-opener into exactly who she truly is.


Ever wondered what Kamala Harris was up to during her Senate days? Well, brace yourself; it’s exactly what you’d expect, and it wasn’t about lifting the average American’s spirits or their economic status. Kamala, the tried and true Marxist, spent her time dragging us deeper into the abyss of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) with the legislation she sponsored and introduced. Most bills Kamala attached her name to were laced with insane race equity issues, squatter’s rights, and a bevy of loony environmental red tape that’s been a nightmare for American businesses and workers.

Now, thanks to one daring internet warrior who dove into the depths of Kamala’s Senate track record, we’ve got a clearer picture—clear as daylight, actually—of how disastrously unfit this woman is for any leadership role. If you think our country is in a bind now, just take a look at Kamala’s Senate antics, and you’ll see just how much worse it could get with the “Cackling Queen” steering the ship.

This is a must-read piece that delves deep into Kamala’s Marxist antics in the Senate, providing a frightening snapshot of who she would be as “commander in chief.”

An internet warrior digs deep to expose Kamala’s Senate days, and it’s scarier than you ever imagined…

There is no doubt that Kamala will morph and change into whatever she needs to be to sell her soul and herself to the American people. The key to overcoming this is to constantly remind everyone of who she truly is at the core of her political existence and who she was before the spotlight shone brightly on her. Kamala is, as President Trump so aptly put it in his new major TV ad, “dangerously liberal.” This radical woman makes crazy Joe Biden look like a moderate, and that should scare the living hell out of every single American who is suffering under the Biden/Harris regime.