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Ironically, Joe Biden might have gained the most from the assassination attempt on President Trump, at least temporarily. Not for the reasons you might think, though. Sure, he almost got rid of his “MAGA” problem with just a tilt of the head, but now Joe’s sitting pretty. With all the media frenzy around Trump, the push from his own party to oust him has quieted down. But, as we said, it all came down to one tiny head tilt.

Take a look:

Collin Rugg:

REPORT: Donald Trump says a last millisecond head tilt likely saved his life as slowed-down footage shows the bullet grazing his ear.

If Trump hadn’t moved his head, the bullet would likely have hit the rear of his head, ending his life.

Trump says he turned his head to look at the illegal immigration statistics that were on the big screen at his rally.

“That chart that I was going over saved my life,” Trump reportedly said to former White House doctor Ronny Jackson.

“The border patrol saved my life.”

“If I hadn’t pointed at that chart and turned my head to look at it, that bullet would have hit me right in the head.”

We were a hair’s breadth away from losing our greatest champion. Just one slight head tilt could have steered this country into a nightmare. And the media ghouls know they missed their chance. Just look at the nightmarish drivel The Atlantic spewed out right after the assassination attempt.

Despite possibly feeling disappointed that his political rival survived, Biden still came out ahead. The chaos surrounding the attempt on President Trump’s life has stalled left-wing efforts to push Joe out of the 2024 campaign race.


Congressional Democrats’ all-consuming angst over President Biden’s candidacy has taken an abrupt backseat in lawmakers’ minds in the wake of an assassination attempt against former President Trump.

Why it matters: Democratic lawmakers say their immediate focus is on their personal security and that of their staffs, not on their party’s political woes, helping to allow a crucial cooldown period for the embattled president.

  • “We’re all just focused on expressing condolences … and keeping our teams safe,” said one House Democrat who has been fiercely critical of Biden.
  • A senior House Democrat suggested the post shooting atmosphere in the party is too “chaotic” for internal battles over leadership.

State of play: Biden was engaged in a high-stakes outreach campaign to Capitol Hill in the hours leading up to the shooting at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, which left a bystander and the shooter dead.

  • As part of an effort to stop the flow of statements urging him to end his reelection bid, Biden met Saturday afternoon with the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the center-left New Democrat Coalition.
  • The latter call was described by lawmakers present as “tense” and a “disaster” for the president, who, they said, was combative in the face of questions about how he plans to turn around his flagging campaign.

Essentially, the Dems are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They’re damned if they ease up on Joe, and damned if they don’t. It’s the ultimate catch-22. The Axios piece goes on:

What they’re saying: Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), who ran a primary campaign against Biden based around concerns over the 81-year-old president’s electability, suggested he is sticking to his strategic post-debate silence about Biden’s candidacy.

  • “An American is dead, a former President and others are wounded, and a shell-shocked country is left wondering how to restore reason and respect,” Phillips told Axios in a statement.
  • “It would be unpatriotic and unprincipled to direct energy to anything other than yesterday’s national tragedy over the coming days. The only conversation about President Biden should be about how he can console our country, address the anger, and meet the moment.”

What we’re hearing: A second senior House Democrat told Axios that the Trump shooting has taken some of the heat off because it would “be bad form to make any statements against President Biden.”

Another Biden-skeptical Democrat, asked about lingering questions around the president’s candidacy, told Axios: “I don’t think that’s the focus right now.”

Now, all of a sudden, the Dems are all about “unity.” Unity, eh? This was Biden just a few days ago.


The left has painted Trump as the second-coming of Hitler for years now, and suddenly, they’re shocked and dismayed that “Hitler Jr.” was almost killed. Yeah, right. When Trump talks about unity, he’s talking about rallying Americans to stand against the regime ghouls trying to tear us down from the inside. The thought of aligning with media propagandists and other left-wing cronies is a no-go for any real freedom-loving American. It’s just not going to happen.

The Federalist:

The blood on former President Donald Trump’s face was barely dry before calls to “take down the temperature” and “unite” began rolling in from Democrats and their courtesans in the press.

President Biden issued a statement after the assassination attempt Saturday evening calling for unity, as did Vice President Kamala Harris and scores of other Democrats. Even the clueless and cowardly Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson got in on the unity wave, saying, “We’ve got to turn the rhetoric down, we’ve got to turn the temperature down in this country.”

Sorry, but that’s not going to happen. There can be no unity with the people and institutions who have spent years whipping the left into a violent frenzy over Trump. This goes for Democrats and the corporate media alike.

President Biden has spent the last few years declaring over and over that Trump is a “threat to democracy.” Everyone is outraged about Biden’s recent call with donors when he said it’s “time to put Trump in the bullseye,” but far worse rhetoric from Biden has been commonplace for years. Biden’s infamous Red Wedding speech in Philadelphia, where he declared Trump and MAGA Republics were a threat to democracy, was nearly two years ago. He has maintained that dangerous rhetoric ever since, repeating some version of it nearly every week. On June 28, the president posted on X that Trump is “a genuine threat to this nation. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.”

Indeed, we’ll never forget that “bullseye” quote that his bloodthirsty staff leaked to the press.


That quote will live on in infamy and will haunt Joe for however long he has left in the 2024 race.

And while Biden might not have gotten exactly what he hoped for at that Pennsylvania Trump rally, he did snag a second wind for 2024, albeit one that is already petering out. Despite all the knives that are out for him within his own party, Axios is reporting that many Democrats have pretty much thrown in the towel and have reluctantly accepted that Trump will win.