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Ever wondered what Kamala Harris was up to during her Senate days? Well, brace yourself; it’s exactly what you’d expect, and it wasn’t about lifting the average American’s spirits or their economic status. Kamala, the tried and true Marxist, spent her time dragging us deeper into the abyss of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) with the legislation she sponsored and introduced. Most bills Kamala attached her name to were laced with insane race equity issues, squatter’s rights, and a bevy of loony environmental red tape that’s been a nightmare for American businesses and workers.

Now, thanks to one daring internet warrior who dove into the depths of Kamala’s Senate track record, we’ve got a clearer picture—clear as daylight, actually—of how disastrously unfit this woman is for any leadership role. If you think our country is in a bind now, just take a look at Kamala’s Senate antics, and you’ll see just how much worse it could get with the “Cackling Queen” steering the ship.

Amalia C. Halikias:

Took a leisurely e-stroll through the legislation Kamala Harris introduced or sponsored during her time in the Senate.

It is not an exaggeration to say the vast majority of it is inane race equity stuff, squatter’s rights, and mandating useless environmental reports:

Introduced the “Ensuring Diverse Leadership Act,” which is a generic form of affirmative action in hiring for the Federal Reserve

Introduced the “Climate Equity Act of 2020” which establishes an office at CBO with the purpose of investigating racial climate impact of every single bill

Introduced the “RELIEF Act,” which basically legalized squatting by renters

Not to be confused with the “Rent Relief Act of 2019,” which creates a tax credit for people living beyond their means

(Does encouraging people who make less than $100k to engage in irresponsible financial decision making have a disparate impact?)

The “Environmental Justice for All Act,” which in this case just means a bunch more advisory boards and programs about race & climate.

(Note that “environmental justice community” is defined to basically just mean racial minority community)

Introduced a resolution just to bash Stephen Miller generally (normal stuff, not at all bizarre vindictive behavior…)

Introduced the “CARES Congressional Oversight Commission Diversity Act of 2020,” which establishes race quotas for the commission

Introduced the “Justice in Policing Act of 2020” to lower the criminal standard for suing police and eliminate or curb qualified immunity

(To be fair, this one is substantive, it’s just terrible in substance & horrendously timed)

Introduced this generic 00s-type diversity bill that directs the Department of Education to provide grants for only women and racial minorities in STEM

Introduced the “Protecting Renters from Evictions and Fees Act of 2020,” to clarify renters could squat on privately owned property, not just federal housing

Introduced the “American Dream Employment Act of 2019” to allow illegal aliens to receive work authorization

It goes on and on like this…

So the next time someone implies you’re a bigot for thinking Kamala Harris is a terrible candidate for president, simply point them to her Senate record

If you have friends on the Hill they’ll tell you the same:

Kamala Harris was the DEI senator; she did hardly anything of substance (incl. not being able to land a punch on the Judiciary Cmte), and she had a reputation for annoying one-liners that had been workshopped for weeks

Can this really surprise anyone? After all, this is the woman who fanned the flames of the riots during the “Summer of Love” by promoting bail funds that unleashed sex offenders, murderers, and other criminals back onto our streets. These days, calling Kamala “soft on crime” barely scratches the surface.

You can read the entire, in-depth thread by clicking here.

And if you think Kamala’s hands are clean regarding January 6, think again. She harbors some dark secrets and might just hold the key to the entire ‘Pipe Bomb Hoax.’ We’ve published an in-depth piece revealing what Team Kamala is concealing about that fateful day, with the Secret Service playing yet another mysterious role.


The reaction of Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail to the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb is not the only inexplicably and damningly suspicious behavior on the part of the Secret Service. Indeed, it is almost equally unfathomable that the Secret Service did not discover the pipe bomb during their initial security sweep at the parking garage entrance. Unlike the bomb found near the RNC approximately 15 minutes earlier behind a trash can in a back alley, the bomb at the DNC building was situated fairly conspicuously out in the open by the front leg of a bench. Compare the image on the left depicting the pipe bomb discovered near the RNC to the pipe bomb discovered outside of the DNC building on the right.


It is clear from the troubling surveillance footage that Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail was unconcerned about the pipe bomb upon being informed of its existence right next to them. The glaring question is, why? As it turns out, in all likelihood, the bombs were not intended to detonate and may, in the end, not have had detonation capability. But how on earth would Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail have known this in advance and known with such certainty as to demonstrate such a flagrant violation of protection protocol? As we saw from early reports on the pipe bomb, the FBI maintained and still publicly maintains that the bomb was “viable.” Again, how was Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail in a position to know otherwise in advance?

This is a fascinating read, brimming with layers of intrigue. Click here to dive into the full analysis:

Kamala Harris Is Hiding Something Big Involving January 6, Pipe Bombs, and the Secret Service

So, in closing, if you’re hunting for soaring crime rates, more secrets, layers of environmental red tape, a surge in illegal immigration and squatters, a dip in corporate excellence, and rampant anti-white sentiment, then Kamala is your go-to. She’s guaranteed to deliver all that tenfold.