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Don’t ever think our media is stupid. They’re not—they’re actually very clever. They were fully aware that Joe Biden had been failing and showing signs of dementia for years. They knew about his lies and his incapacity to handle the job, but they don’t care. They acted as a regime mouthpiece, feeding the American people enough propaganda and fake news to craft an epic “Twilight Zone” false illusion. Instead of admitting we are being “led” by a cranky nincompoop who has no clue what he’s doing, the media portrayed Joe Biden as a wise elder statesman—a grandfatherly figure who’s kind, empathetic, and loving. It’s all lies, lies, lies, and they’ve known it the whole time, but their job is to hide it from you and make you question your own eyes and ears. Don’t believe what you see; believe what you’re told by the folks at CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the like.

READ MORE: Kamala Harris Is Hiding Something Big Involving January 6, Pipe Bombs, and the Secret Service

These same liars and fraudsters who once defended Biden, hailed him as a success, and ignored all the obvious signs of his failure and decline, just tossed him under the bus. Why? Well, because their little jig is now up. It took a national debate, filled with one Biden blunder after another, for the media and political elites to realize they’d been caught red-handed. Instead of admitting what they did was unscrupulous and similar to North Korea-style propaganda, they, along with Nancy Pelosi and The Party, forced Biden to step down. Now that they’re ready to tell the truth, they’re shamelessly digging through the past to pinpoint when his presidency first went off the rails, something they refused to do in “real time” when it mattered most.


According to a guest on CNN, Alex Thompson of Axios, Biden’s irreversible downturn began with the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan, which led to the tragic deaths of 13 Americans—a clear result of the Biden regime’s ineptitude. What CNN conveniently fails to mention is that they covered it all up, willingly, because their number one job was to save the regime, not to deliver the news. Still is. Only now can the regime survive if the “top buffoon” is removed.

Now, we’re watching as another foreign policy debacle unfolds, this time in Iran, and the media is back to covering for Joe. Now that Biden is out of the race, the media will have us know that he is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Iran International:

Amid calls for President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race, criticism of his Iran policy has erupted beyond the Republican National Convention, fueled by major flashpoints such as Houthi aggression and Iran’s nuclear program.

At 81, President Biden is under mounting pressure from his own party to step aside following a poor debate against Republican nominee Donald Trump, which sparked concerns about his age and viability ahead of the November election.

In response, Biden has defiantly countered these calls, insisting he remains the preferred candidate among Democratic voters. As recently as Wednesday, he affirmed his commitment to the 2024 race, stating, “I am all in.”

Joe Biden’s approach, often labeled as lenient by critics, has been under fire for some time, but now, with elections looming, the criticism has reached a fever pitch.

Recent developments have brought the issue to the forefront, making it more relevant than ever for US politicians and Iranians as well.

Early Friday morning, an Iranian-made drone launched by Yemen’s Houthi rebels detonated in Tel Aviv, claiming the life of one person near a US embassy branch. The incident, the first Israeli casualty amidst a spate of Houthi drone attacks on Israel in recent months, has US lawmakers clamoring for the State Department to reclassify the Iran-backed militant group as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). This label would pave the way for more robust US sanctions and targeting.

Another epic failure for Team Biden is shaping up. From Biden and Kamala on down, this is a group of bunglers who just don’t grasp what real strength and leadership look like. This is especially clear when you compare their foreign policy mishaps to President Trump’s successful “peace through strength” approach. The bottom line of what happened in Afghanistan was this: Biden was tested. It was a trial by fire, and he and his regime came up short. Yet, no one was held accountable for the horrific fallout from the regime’s clumsy and deadly withdrawal. No one was fired. This lack of accountability has become a recurring theme throughout the failed Biden regime and is haunting him still to this day. That’s the latest failure involving the assassination attempt on President Tump. And when questioned about it, the regime doesn’t know how to respond. Just look at Mayor Pete as he bungles his way through questions about the Secret Service mishap from Bill Maher.

RELATED: Did the US government just accidentally admit guilt in the Trump assassination plot? 

The Vigilant Fox:

Bill Maher Confronts Pete Buttigieg on Massive Security Failure in Trump Shooting

“Should Joe Biden have fired the Secret Service head? … I’ve seen people fired for less, and it just looks bad.”

“It looks like, ‘Well, the other guy from the other party got shot. We’ll look into it if we have time.’”

PETE BUTTIGIEG: “Everything that led up to that moment, that horrible moment, is under a microscope. And I believe that President Biden and the administration will do the right thing.”

BILL MAHER: “But you didn’t need a microscope to see it. The guy was on the roof, like, not that far away with a rifle for a long time.”

The director of the Secret Service, a “close ally” of the Bidens, still hasn’t been fired—and we all know why, don’t we? While we see her actions as a failure, some in the regime might be whispering, “mission almost accomplished.”