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There are so many questions and so much mystery surrounding the assassination attempt on President Trump. Yet, some are finding the clarity they’ve been seeking—particularly regarding the number of shooters. You’ve likely heard the theories about multiple shooters. Now, it seems science is stepping in to lend credibility to those claims. Meanwhile, each day reveals another horrific discovery, deepening the mystery of what really happened. The latest buzz about a drone has really set people off—and who can blame them? How could a so-called esteemed organization like the Secret Service let something like this happen?

Collin Rugg:

NEW: Thomas Crooks was able to fly a drone over the Pennsylvania rally location before the event started according to the Wall Street Journal.

So a 20-year-old would be assas*in can use a drone but not the Secret Service?

“The gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western PA fairgrounds shortly before the former president was set to speak there, law-enforcement officials briefed on the matter said, further underscoring the stunning security lapses ahead of Trump’s near assassination,” the WSJ reported.


Apparently, the shooter requested Saturday off work and told his co-workers he’d see them on Sunday. What’s truly baffling is how authorities, who can usually declare something a “terror attack” within seconds, still haven’t determined a motive for this shooting. It’s reminiscent of the Vegas mass shooting, isn’t it? That’s another “head scratcher” that seems to have been left without thorough investigation.


The shooter who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump on Saturday normally would have been at work that day, but he told his boss he needed that the day off because he had “something to do,” according to multiple law enforcement officials.

Thomas Matthew Crooks told his coworkers he would be back to work on Sunday.

While investigators have not been able to identify a motive for Crooks’ attack at the rally in Butler County, Pennsylvania, they are piecing together more of his activities.

But let’s circle back to the “multiple shooter” theory. Bill Ackman, an American billionaire hedge fund manager and the CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management, is not one to jump to conclusions. Yet, after viewing this latest evidence, he’s now convinced that the “second shooter” theory in the Trump assassination plot might hold water and is calling for further investigation. So, what exactly did Bill see that caused this shift? It was a scientific analysis of the raw footage conducted by a PhD expert. Take a look for yourself and see what you think.

Here’s what Bill had to say about that stunning video:

Bill Ackman:

The reposted video below makes a highly credible case that there were at least two shooters/assassins who attempted to kill @realDonaldTrump.

The analysis of bullet trajectories and audio from multiple sources make a powerful case that at least one additional shooter was in the building directly below the shooter.

I have no expertise in this field. None. That said, in my opinion, this deserves a careful review. I welcome further analysis and a rebuttal so we can get closer to the truth.

If true, this is incredibly disturbing and even frightening. Trump needs to be very careful and get even more security.

In a Trump victory, a number of very powerful people lose power providing an incentive to take him out. We are living in a Jason Bourne movie.

An absolute must watch.

Mr. Ackman has since deleted his post.

Say what you will about conspiracy theories—these days, some end up holding water. And in the Trump assassination plot, there are plenty of people who believe they saw or heard evidence of more than one shooter.

On the other hand, the great Dan Bongino is pouring cold water all over the “two shooters” theory.

Western Lensman:

Just In: @dbongino addresses the Trump assass*nation ‘Multiple Shooters’ theory: “The third shot was from a local counter-sniper team; they missed.”

Dan is breaking more new information, and has been right from the beginning; he’s now cautioning against being misled by sources that may have ulterior motives:

BONGINO: “There were three different shooters. This is your home for breaking news. Ladies and gentlemen, the third shot was from a local counter sniper team, a non secret service counter sniper team. Local police. They missed. That’s the third shot.”

“The truth has no agenda. Okay, you stay here. You will stay on target. Stay in these other places. You’re going to get misled. And we’re going to make the same mistake we made in past things where people. Folks, there are people out there who are sick. Listen to me, please. Please. I’m going to pause here. I need you to please trust me on this.”

“There are people out there secreting themselves into our movement and feeding nuggets of information. They know to be false. They’re not us. They’re doing it for a reason, to distract you from the truth. I don’t know this guy’s motive. Could this guy be working with other people? Maybe. I don’t say what I don’t know.”

“I’m not going to eliminate that as a possibility because I have no evidence otherwise either. The third gunshots were from a local police department. You are going to get spun down the wrong path, and I’m absolutely convinced there are people doing it on purpose to discredit you. You do with that what you want.”

Although it’s not difficult to believe that there were two shooters rather than a single “lone gunman” on a grassy knoll—sorry, sloped roof—we won’t jump to any conclusions just quite yet. But what these witnesses have been saying is enough to warrant a further investigation, at least.