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Things have not been going well for Joe Biden. Instead of demonstrating newfound power and brilliance after that abysmal debate, he’s slipping further down the dementia hole, with no end in sight. In fact, the final nail in Joe’s coffin may have been a recent Zoom call from hell, which was so disastrous that folks on the call claimed it was even worse than the debate—if you can believe that.


Right before the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, a group of moderate Hill Democrats held a “tense” Zoom call with the White House to express their concern about Biden’s ability to win—and their ability to win, should he tank and take them down with him. “The call was even worse than the debate,” one of the participants told me. “He was rambling; he’d start an answer then lose his train of thought, then would just say ‘whatever.’ He really couldn’t complete an answer. I lost a ton of respect for him.” A second participant in the call confirmed this characterization. “The president was rambling, dismissive of concerns, unable or unprepared to present a campaign strategy, and had a particularly troubling exchange with Jason Crow—saying to him, ‘Tell me something you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son,’” this member of Congress told me. “Had the assassination attempt not occurred an hour later, I imagine 50 people on that Zoom were ready to come out publicly against him.” (Biden ended the call on Saturday, just after 5 p.m., by saying his staff told him it was time for mass. The attempted assassination happened shortly after 6 p.m.) A third participant confirmed the descriptions of the president’s demeanor during the call to my partner Abby Livingston.

It could be the pressure from folks trying to oust him, the progression of whatever disease he’s battling, or maybe a combination of both, but Biden isn’t improving—he’s deteriorating. Quickly.

Julia Ioffe’s report for Puck continues:

The campaign did not, however, dispute this next part, about Crow and his Bronze Star. In a video of the Zoom that I was able to view, you can hear Biden chastising Crow, who asked about the importance of national security to voters. “First of all, I think you’re dead wrong on national security,” the president says, the emotion at times garbling his words. “You saw what happened recently in terms of the meeting we had with NATO. I put NATO together. Name me a foreign leader who thinks I’m not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy. Tell me! Tell me who the hell that is! Tell me who put NATO back together! Tell me who enlarged NATO, tell me who did the Pacific basin! Tell me who did something that you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son—and I’m proud of your leadership, but guess what, what’s happening, we’ve got Korea and Japan working together, I put Aukus together, anyway! … Things are in chaos, and I’m bringing some order to it. And again, find me a world leader who’s an ally of ours who doesn’t think I’m the most respected person they’ve ever—”

“It’s not breaking through, Mr. President,” said Crow, “to our voters.”

“You oughta talk about it!” Biden shot back, listing his accomplishments yet again. “On national security, nobody has been a better president than I’ve been. Name me one. Name me one! So I don’t want to hear that crap!”

Joe’s out there trying to prove to the world that he’s capable and able to get the job done. Sadly for him (and the nation), he sounds more like an unhinged, sickly, confused old man. His speech at the NAACP was a complete and total disaster, and that, like the call, was also worse than the debate.

Of course, for those of us paying even the slightest bit of attention, Joe’s cognitive decline has been glaringly obvious for years. However, many Americans, who rely on the so-called “news” from mainstream media, have been shielded from the truth. This is thanks to the regime’s soldiers, who spent more time running cover for “Dementia Joe” instead of reporting what was actually happening. Now, after they’ve thrown Joe under the bus, these media vultures and liars are suddenly speechless.

While Joe got a brief reprieve from the nonstop calls to step down, thanks to the news being dominated by Trump’s failed assassination attempt, those voices are starting to pop up again.

RELATED: Joe Biden was one of the big winners of the day after attempted assassination of President Trump… for now…

It looks like Joe has some rough roads ahead. After a few days of feigned “unity,” the Democrats have gone silent, only to sharpen their claws and come after him once again. They know they have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning with the unhinged old guy on the ticket.