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The internet is buzzing. For the first time since 2016, President Trump has rolled out a new party platform that the GOP has wholeheartedly embraced. From what people are saying online, it’s a massive hit with conservatives too. At its core is the America First principle and a renewed focus on the “forgotten men and women” whom Trump supported in 2016 and whom Joe Biden dismantled in 2020.


Dedicated to the “To the Forgotten Men and Women of America,” the Republican Party’s 2024 platform reads like the transcript of a Trump rally speech.

The Republican National Committee’s Platform Committee adopted former President Donald Trump’s platform, a document that leans into Trump’s preferred “America First” stances and steers away from traditional GOP social issues.

The platform starts with 20 promises, largely pulling from the tag lines of the former president, including “STOP THE MIGRANT INVASION” and the simplistic “END INFLATION.” Trump’s campaign sought to pare down the party platform.

More recently, Trump has made sure to try to distance himself from the controversial (and lengthy) Project 2025 policy document put together by some of his allies.

Notably, the promises don’t mention anything about abortion, as Trump attempts to de-emphasize the issue and appeal to swing voters. In the entire platform, the word appears just once, in a statement about the party’s dedication to protecting “the issue of life.” It reads: “We will oppose Late Term Abortion.”

After appointing the Supreme Court justices who helped overturn the constitutional right to abortion, he’s said the issue should now be up to states.

Most agree that this is the best GOP platform of our lifetime. It’s thoroughly America-focused, a continuation of Trump’s initial plans, and it’s also meant to clean up the catastrophic mess left by the Biden regime.

Here’s an honest question: What’s all the negative fuss about, anyway?

Here’s a closeup of the image:


This platform is all about lifting up the forgotten man and woman—those who Trump championed in 2016 and who Biden let down in 2020.

Simon Ateba:

BREAKING: Trump writes, “The 2024 GOP Platform to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN was overwhelmingly approved by the Rules Committee – Thank you to Chairwoman Marsha Blackburn and Vice Chair Michael Waltz for their tireless work to PUT AMERICA FIRST. Ours is a forward-looking Agenda with strong promises that we will accomplish very quickly when we win the White House and Republican Majorities in the House and Senate. We are, quite simply, the Party of Common Sense! America needs determined Republican Leadership at every level of Government to address the core threats to our very survival: Our disastrously Open Border, our weakened Economy, Inflation, crippling restrictions on American Energy Production, our depleted Military, attacks on the American System of Justice, the Weaponization of Politics, and much more to make clear our commitment, we offer to the American People our plan to restore our Country to Greatness – It will be approved next week at the GOP Convention. The Forgotten Men and Women of this Country will be forgotten no longer. MAGA!

The forgotten men and women of America have always been the heart and soul of President Trump’s political journey.

Actually, one of the most powerful clips from 2016 centered around the “forgotten man,” and surprisingly, it came from Trump mega-critic Michael Moore. His insight into what was really unfolding in America at that time still rings true today—maybe even more so. We’re revisiting that video to remind you why this movement started and why it’s still going strong.

President Trump’s 2024 platform remembers the “forgotten man and woman” with what might be the boldest, most America-focused agenda of our time. It’s exactly what we need right now to repair the damage inflicted by the failed Biden regime.

You can read the entire party platform by clicking here (pdf).