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Joe Biden’s out of the 2024 race, just like Trump called it. Now, the big question is: who’s up next? Biden and the Clintons are rooting for Kamala, but let’s be real—she’s not exactly outshining Joe. The Economist just showed her polling three points under Joe’s low numbers. However, Pelosi just endorsed Kamala, increasing the chances she’ll be the Dems’ pick, despite Obama keeping mum about her stepping up. But if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is to be believed, it’s out of the frying pan and into the fire for these Dems with Kamala at the helm. AOC says that behind the scenes, nobody wants Kamala in charge.


AOC might be onto something, as the New York Times now reports that a recent donor call with Kamala went terribly wrong.

PJ Media:

According to the New York Times, the call included roughly 300 donors, and “several listeners said they found the meeting overall to be of little value and even, at times, condescending, believing that the message ignored donors’ legitimate concerns about the Biden-led ticket.”

Kamala Harris reportedly spoke for just over five minutes via video, focused on criticizing Donald Trump for his convention speech, and tried to link him to Project 2025. She only briefly mentioned Joe Biden but did not take questions. Harris emphasized that Trump’s speech was a distraction from his record and the significance of the election. While some listeners found her delivery strong, it did little to reassure them.

In fact, some seemed to find the entire call insulting.

After the call, one group that had promoted it in advance apologized to its members for having done so.

“Not surprisingly, there was no news generated on this call, and instead, it was a pitch for donors to continue to invest in groups on the ground who are working to defeat Donald Trump,” read an email from Corridor Partners, which advises donors focused on climate issues. “The vice president spoke very briefly and encouraged us all to keep working hard to win in November.”

The email, which was viewed by The New York Times, added, “The call was not productive, and we wanted to apologize to each of you who joined for sharing that invitation.”

Before Kamala Harris joined the call, leaders from progressive groups like Somos Votantes raised concerns that discussions about Joe Biden’s viability were damaging their efforts and not aligning with voters’ priorities, such as the economy. They believed there was a disconnect between elite opinions and those of the general public. However, after Harris finished speaking, one participant, who was accidentally unmuted, described the call as “ludicrous.”

Kamala Harris is tanking, even more than Biden. In truth, folks would rather stick with Joe, dementia and all. Remember her 2020 primary run? She was so unpopular that she had to duck out before even hitting Iowa.

Des Moines Register: 

U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris dropped out of the Democratic presidential race on Tuesday, ending a campaign that started with promise but failed to gain traction in Iowa.

“As the campaign has gone on, it’s become harder and harder to raise the money we need to compete,” she said in a video posted on her Twitter account. “In good faith, I cannot tell you, my supporters and volunteers, that I have a path forward if I don’t believe I do.”

Her decision to drop out comes about 10 weeks after Harris launched an “all in on Iowa” strategy at the end of September, saying she wanted a top-three finish in the first-in-the-nation caucuses. She increased the number of paid staffers here from 65 to 131.

If Kamala is the nominee, she’s facing a pretty steep uphill climb. Much like Joe, her past is littered with a trail of lies and plagiarism.

And the differences between Kamala and President Trump couldn’t be more stark.

So, if what AOC says is true and they really don’t want Kamala, who will the Dem nominee be? Well, some are still speculating that it will be Michelle Obama, despite the fact that she hates politics. It seems highly unlikely, but this is what some folks are suggesting.

Tony Seruga:

Come on journalists! Do better! You all know Kamala Harris is a sacrificial lamb, being fed to the wolves. Why aren’t you reporting all of the comings and goings at Michelle’s War Room since Thursday?

Literally dozens and dozens of Democrat billionaire donors (Fred Eychaner, Reid Hoffman, James and Marilyn Simons, Michael Mortiz (Sequoia Capital and the Chinese Communist Party) Elizabeth Heising, Wayne Jordan, Jeffrey Skill, Patty Quillin, etc., etc.) K Street and Washington, D.C. royalty have been taking turns kissing Barack Hussein Obama II’s ring.

Anyone that doesn’t admit Barack is in charge is either ignorant or lying. His silence and then refusing to endorse Kamala Harris should tell you all you need to know.

I said previously, Barack Obama is the most powerful man in the Democratic Party. Period. End of story. He is going to do whatever it takes to be President a 4th term by proxy, using Michelle. Enjoy the show! 🍿

Michelle Obama’s War Room: 2446 Belmont Rd NW, Washington, DC 20008.

After Harris is slaughtered by Americans, Washington, DC and the media, Michelle Obama will step up, telling the country, ‘after much reflection and soul searching, talking endlessly with Barack and our girls, I have come to the conclusion that my country needs me’, she will be the chosen one at the Chicago Democrat National Convention in August. As close to a coronation as you can get.

The Obama’s and DNC have opposition research that will put any chance of a viable Kamala Harris campaign but they need her to languish on the vine for the next 4-5 weeks. Michelle wants the honeymoon to extend right to the election. She isn’t even interested in a debate with President Trump.

Is this situation dire enough for Michelle to set aside personal angst and take one for the team? After all, that would put Obama much closer to “home base” for his 4th term. Still, nothing credible has emerged to suggest Michelle is entertaining that idea. Mark Halperin, who correctly broke the news that Biden would step down on Sunday, says that Michelle absolutely hates politics and will never enter the race—apparently, she barely tolerated Barack Obama running for office.

Time will tell, but don’t write Kamala off just yet; Trump sure isn’t. He just released a brutal new ad.

Kamala is licking her chops and eyeing the White House, and she appears ready to battle her fellow Democrats for what she probably sees as her rightful coronation—another Dem to be installed into the White House, like it or not.