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If the regime had its way completely, there would be no independent thought, no courage, and absolutely no deviation from the ever-evolving party line. Even our current censorious regime, as incompetent and corrupt as it is, recognizes that it needs to prioritize when it comes to suppressing dissenting views. In fact, some versions of dissent might even be welcome insofar as they are not truly subversive and serve to distract the public and channel its energies into false criticisms and issues that don’t really matter. The regime reserves the full weight of its retaliatory fervor for thoughts and revelations that step outside of the safe playpen that usually constrains even conservative discourse. Among these subversive and dangerous ideas, very few have stirred up the regime’s rage quite like those that challenge the regime’s absurd official view of January 6 as an insurrection.

Informed Americans who have read Revolver News’ ground-breaking reports on the matter know better (for a representative sample, see here, here, here, and here).

Ever since we began reporting on this sensitive issue, the full weight of the national media went into panic mode, trying to suppress anyone who challenged the Fedsurrection. The New York Times and Washington Post went into overdrive to demonize Revolver News; George Soros hired a full-time operative to demonetize us; and Ray Epps and his Democrat-associated lawyer have threatened Revolver and Tucker with lawsuits. We are, of course, not the only targets. Readers might recall the case of Jeremy Brown, the Green Beret, who has faced extremely hostile persecution from Merrick Garland’s DOJ ever since he publicized a video of JTTF agents trying to recruit him as an informant leading up to January 6th.

When it comes to silencing those who question the January 6 narrative, the regime isn’t shy about going after their own. Approximately a year ago, we reported on the case of FBI agent and whistleblower Marcus Allen, who had his security clearance revoked not even for questioning the January 6th narrative but for sharing articles that called that narrative into question.

The New York Times (emphasis ours):

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has revoked the security clearances of three agents who either took part in the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, or later expressed views about it that placed into question their “allegiance to the United States,” the bureau said on Wednesday in a letter to congressional investigators.

The letter, written by a top official at the F.B.I., came one day before at least two of the agents — Marcus Allen and Stephen Friend — were set to testify in front of a House Judiciary subcommittee investigating what Republicans contend is the “weaponization” of the federal government against conservatives.


Mr. Allen’s top-secret security clearance was revoked after the bureau found that he had “expressed sympathy for persons or organizations that advocate, threaten or use force or violence,” the letter said. F.B.I. investigators determined that Mr. Allen had sent an email from his bureau account to several colleagues months after the Capitol attack, urging them to “exercise extreme caution and discretion in pursuit of any investigative inquiries or leads pertaining to the events of” Jan. 6, the letter said.

Mr. Allen also sent an email linking to a website stating that “federal law enforcement had some degree of infiltration among the crowds gathered at the Capitol,” leading Mr. Allen to comment that this supposed fact raised “serious concerns” about the U.S. government’s participation in the riot.

F.B.I. investigators also found that Mr. Allen, who filed a lawsuit against Mr. Wray last year contesting the initial suspension of his clearance, failed to provide relevant information to fellow agents investigating the riot about people who allegedly took part in the attack, the letter said.

We were able to confirm that the articles Mr. Allen was penalized for sharing were indeed Revolver News’ investigative reports on January 6th. On the basis of sharing our articles, not only did the FBI suspend Mr. Allen’s clearance, they also challenged his loyalty to the United States. That’s how important it is for the regime to guard its January 6 lie!

In a happy development on this story, Mr. Allen has recently had his security clearance re-instated along with back pay. Reporter Jason Foster took to Twitter to explain:

None of #MarcusAllen’s protected whistleblower disclosures were false.

He forwarded articles from the@nytimes and @RevolverNewsUSA raising issues with the accuracy of Wray’s answers to Sen @amyklobuchar.

He also knew directly from his work on cases in his field office that FBI *did* have informants in the crowd on J6–contrary to the impression left by Wray’s public exchange with the Senator.

That is all 💯% true and accurate.

And it was literally Marcus’s job description to do exactly what he did: make colleagues aware of open source info related to their cases.

The thanks he got was being slandered publicly by his employer as “disloyal”.

It’s disgraceful, and probably even worse than we know given the FBI’s decision to restore his clearance and its agreement to fork over 27 months of back pay & benefits just as an OIG report on the whole mess was in the works. via @AnnieGrayerCNN

CNN reluctantly covered the story (emphasis ours):

A former FBI employee who raised questions about the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol had his security clearance reinstated and was awarded 27 months of backpay after being suspended since February 2022, his lawyer told CNN.

FBI staff operations specialist Marcus Allen had his security clearance suspended in 2022 when the FBI cited security concerns related to his “allegiance to the United States” in a letter previously shared with Congress.

Allen testified at a congressional hearing led by House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan last year after the bureau informed Congress it had revoked the security clearances of three agents who either attended the riot at the US Capitol or espoused alternate theories about the Capitol attack.


Allen testified during last year’s congressional hearing that he “played no part in the events of Jan. 6,” but alleged that he was retaliated against “because I forwarded information to my superiors and others that questioned the official narrative of the events of Jan. 6.”

The bureau reinstated Allen’s security clearance on May 31 after reaching a settlement agreement, Allen’s lawyer, Tristan Leavitt, told CNN.  Allen then resigned from the bureau on Monday.

“This is total vindication for Marcus,” Leavitt, president of Empower Oversight, said in a statement. “The FBI has completely backed down and provided everything that we had asked for on behalf of Marcus. It’s clear from the evidence and the FBI’s capitulation there was absolutely no truth to their accusations.”

While we must celebrate Mr. Allen’s reinstatement and vindication, it is important to note that the regime is as invested in the Fedsurrection lie as ever. Indeed, the notion that January 6 was an insurrection incited by Trump is a major pillar of the Biden regime’s extracurricular efforts to rig the election against Trump and has already been used as a pretext not only for a criminal trial against Trump but also for multiple attempts to remove Trump from the ballot in various states. It is not an accident that the Biden regime trotted out disgraced January 6 show-cop Michael Fanone to spout his cheap propaganda right before the jury was to render a verdict in the Stormy Daniels case.

Unfortunately for the regime, every single component of the Fedsurrection lie has been exposed, and Revolver News is in the very end stages of completely exposing the January 6 pipe bomb scam, including several figures likely to be involved in the cover-up. As it so happens, we have another major piece about to drop very soon. Stay tuned, and perhaps this time the FBI will know better than to withdraw Marcus Allen’s security clearance if he chooses to share our damning investigations with his colleagues.