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Is anyone really surprised that a new congressional report has revealed the CIA meddled in the 2020 election to boost Biden? If this news catches you off guard, it’s time to snap out of your long winter’s slumber. We all knew something fishy was up when that ridiculous “letter” surfaced online, with the deep state clearly throwing its weight behind Biden. The letter was signed by 51 former intelligence operatives and dismissed Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop as likely “Russian disinformation” aimed at helping Trump. The deep state loves the “Russia” excuse, don’t they? This move totally muzzled the New York Post’s exposé, as every major social media platform locked down in unison to make sure the story didn’t gain any ground. Meanwhile, on the debate stage, Biden, fully aware the laptop belonged to his crackhead son, chose to peddle the worn-out Russian bogeyman tale to the American public. In other words, he lied through his dentures.

Now, with the congressional report out, the GOP is strutting around like peacocks, boldly condemning the CIA and the media for “rigging” the election. But here’s the kicker—the GOP’s late outrage is a major slap in the face for US voters. Trump supporters, who have been on to this charade for eons now, are seething mad. They watched as their party sat back, let the fraud slide by, and are only now acting outraged for Twitter clicks and Hannity appearances? No. That doesn’t fly anymore. The base is enraged, demanding GOP accountability and immediate action. No more games—it’s time for heads to roll.

Here’s the thread from the House Judiciary X account that ignited the fire:

MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: New Information Shows CIA Contractors Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

“We knew that the rushed statement from the 51 former intelligence officials was a political maneuver between the Biden campaign and the intelligence community. Now with this interim report, we reveal how officials at the highest levels of the CIA were aware of the statement and CIA employees knew that several of the so-called former officials were on active contract with the CIA. The report underscores the risks posed by a weaponized federal government.” – @Jim_Jordan

“The House Intelligence Committee’s work provided us with solid direct evidence that in the final weeks before the 2020 presidential election, 51 former intelligence officials coordinated with the Biden campaign to falsely cast doubt on an explosive New York Post story and label Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop as ‘Russian disinformation.’ The Committee worked to obtain classified documents from the CIA, including emails, and fought to include evidence of these materials in our report.” – @RepMikeTurner

The highest officials within the CIA were aware of the statement prior to its publication. CIA’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) Andrew Makridis testified that he informed Director Gina Haspel or Deputy Director Vaughn Frederick Bishop about its impending release. This sequence of events suggests that senior CIA leadership had ample opportunity to assess the validity of the statement’s claims. Furthermore, the COO’s office appeared to signal approval of the statement in a move that departed from standard Prepublication Classification Review Board (PCRB) protocols.

Additionally, some of the statement’s signatories were on active contract with the CIA at the time they issued the statement to discredit damaging allegations about Biden family influence peddling. Despite claiming they lacked access to classified information at the time, at least two signatories—Michael Morell and former CIA Inspector General David Buckley—were actively working for the CIA as contractors. This revelation raises concerns that these officials may have abused their positions to expedite the statement’s approval and may have been earning taxpayer dollars while they did it.

Furthermore, officials within the CIA recognized at the time that the Hunter Biden statement was political and would hurt the Agency. The signatories’ decision to leverage their former intelligence community titles to promote a narrative about foreign election interference improperly embroiled the Agency in domestic politics. This report underscores the potential dangers of a politicized intelligence community.

Here’s a closeup of the image they shared.

The response to the Judiciary Committee has been explosive. These aren’t just any respondents; they’re fed-up, furious American voters, utterly betrayed by the corrupt and twisted uniparty and utterly abandoned by the very representatives they elected. They unleashed their full righteous wrath on the GOP, giving them a piece of their mind with unrestrained fury.

“We already know this, you idiots. Now do something about it.”

“We the people already knew that. So go back and tell us something we don’t know.”

“What’s going to happen? We see different people lying under oath & ignoring subpoenas and NOTHING.”

“They knowingly & willingly interfered in the 2020 election and must be charged and stripped of security clearance. When is this going to happen, GOP?”

“There’s no accountability, thanks to weaklings like you, and as a result there no integrity in those rogue agencies”


“Appreciate the summary for those unaware, but this info has been know for a LONG time. Better to summarize what specific concrete actions, both legal and political, to hold those responsible. Oh yeah, my bad. The silence is deafening.”

“Does the GOP ever do ANYTHING constructive??? ANYTHING!!!???”

“Hey GOP, so who’s going to prison?”

“GOP, you could’ve stopped this and you didn’t. You’re no better than they are.”

“Don’t let the GOP take a victory lap, they allowed this to go on. They were part of it. Throw them all in jail!!!”

Honestly, has there ever been a US government more loathed than this bucket of manure we’re stuck with now?

They all lied, and not a single apology has been issued—not that it would change anything. They haven’t bothered to explain their lies either, but frankly, it’s irrelevant.

The ugly, ugly truth is that our intelligence and media are cozy in bed with the uniparty regime, and once again, they’ve duped the American people and rigged a US election. And those of us who called foul on 2020 were demonized, just like we were demonized when we called out the COVID/jab nonsense and the Russia hoax, too.

Do you see a pattern forming?

We’ll leave you with this little nugget: Douglass Mackey was slapped with charges of conspiracy and election interference by the Biden regime, simply for sharing a satirical anti-Hillary meme. The government was unable to find one person swayed by Mackey’s meme; even so, he faces federal prison time. Meanwhile, those 51 intel pros who signed off on a letter declaring genuine evidence as likely “fake” get off scot-free, and their professional “stamp of approval” that likely influenced countless voters goes completely unchallenged.

Dear Elon: America Needs You to Back Doug Mackey’s First Amendment Fight

If this doesn’t scream North Korea-style governance, where elites romp around unchecked and shield themselves from any repercussions, then nothing does. It’s a dark and chilling example of how deeply the United States has fallen.

This is exactly why American voters are seething with anger at the entire government, including the do-nothing GOP, who had the chance to intervene when it mattered most but chose to stand by with their thumbs up their backside and do absolutely nothing.
