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Over the past several years, as America has faced an epic “Biden decline,” we’ve heard numerous horror stories about violence and decay. However, this particular story is among the worst. One accidental turn down the wrong street tragically altered the lives of a young couple enjoying a date night in the city. They inadvertently entered a Chicago “no-go zone” and were savagely beaten by a group of thug teenagers. The woman, who was pregnant, was beaten so brutally that she lost her baby—all because they dared to walk down a street “owned” by Chicago hoodlums who probably haven’t worked a day in their pathetic, worthless lives and don’t actually ‘own’ anything but the keys to a miserable, failed existence.

These animals were beyond reason; they behaved like wild beasts, only knowing how to attack. They tore clumps of hair from the woman’s head as she pleaded for them to stop.

Nina, who was two weeks pregnant at the time, shows off a bald spot on her head where her hair was torn out.

Things are so bad  in Joe Biden’s America that you can’t even accidentally turn down the wrong street.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: Chicago woman loses her unborn baby after getting violently attacked by a group of teens while on a date night with her husband.


A woman identified as ‘Nina’ says she was walking down the street when she got surrounded by teens who assaulted her.

Her crime? Walking down the wrong street.

“We own the street, we own the street. You can’t just walk around prancing in your little dress,” the gang of about 10 said.

They then held her husband back as they beat her, ripped out her hair, pepper sprayed her face and kicked her in the stomach.

“First someone approached him and hit his head, punched him in the head, and he looked back and he looked at me and told me ‘run’.”

“Another lady came to me and dragged me with my hair on the ground.”

“I started screaming she started pepper-spraying me right in the face, in the eyes.”

“Another person starts stomping all over me, and my husband ran towards me to save me and over 10 people held him.”

She lost her baby hours later.

What’s absolutely unacceptable is that they’re only charging these animals with misdemeanor battery. Where’s the murder charge? They killed an unborn baby with that senseless beatdown, and every single one of these animalistic thugs should face a murder charge. If Chicagoans are actually serious about making changes—and let’s be real, a lot of folks say they’re not—they need to kick their do-nothing mayor to the curb, beef up the police force, and start cracking down on gangs, Bukele-style. Until that happens, don’t expect much to change in that liberal-run hellhole.