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When you think about America’s decline, the FBI is one of the first organizations that comes to mind. What was once a highly respected institution has plummeted to levels most of us never imagined, thanks to their penchant for targeting and entrapping Americans based on their political beliefs. Actually, it makes you question whether they ever truly deserved our accolades and respect. They’ve likely always been a corrupt, Deep State organization, and the only reason the mask has been ripped off is because we, the people, had the audacity to elect an outsider. Once we did, our intelligence agencies sprang into action and unleashed holy hell on the American people, sending a clear message: only regime-approved politicians are acceptable, and dissent will cost you your freedom, or even your life. Just ask the January 6 political prisoners, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, President Trump, and Douglass Mackey. The US has now become a country ruled by lawfare, with the FBI right at the epicenter of this disgraceful push.

The FBI is nothing more than stormtroopers for the regime. They lie, cheat, steal, and entrap for the dark side, and when they get caught, they call it “regrettable.”

That’s the bad news—the FBI is unsalvageable. The good news? It looks as if they know the jig is up and they’re running out of rope. In fact, they’re shaking in their boots at the thought of President Trump returning to the White House. According to disgraced former top FBI guy Andrew McCabe, many of these traitorous agents are even considering fleeing the US.

And don’t be fooled; the number one traitor, James Comey, is likely finding it hard to sleep at night. You can hear the paranoia in his voice. Our guess? He’s probably got a plane ticket already booked.

But hey, what does the FBI have to worry about? We’re sure that President Trump will treat them in the same “fair and honest” way they’ve treated him.


Come to think of it, maybe the feds should book those flights after all.